The healing has progressed well since my previous post, the redness and swelling that looked angry has gone, my bruising has all but gone also. I still have to be careful with Xena, our dog, jumping up on me to sit as it can jar the wound and cause so sharp intakes of breath. I have tried walking her on a lead, but due to her ability to pull me along in her excitement to be out, is still too painful for me to do. Managed 10 minutes last night and it felt very uncomfortable so I'll be waiting a while longer on that.
Ironically, I have made it back to the gym with no ill effects. Yesterday, I did Aqua Aerobics, my first class in 2 weeks, and had no problems. Today, I tasked myself to attempt one of my favourite classes, advanced aerobics, knowing that at the first sign of discomfort I would stop. I decided to reign my enthusiasm in at being back to protect my self and not go "full on" like normal. I made it through the heavily choreographed routine, with no twinges, pain or pulling so allowed myself to test myself slowly into doing a bit more. No problems, so that is a huge victory for me and for the power of positive thinking as this was my first goal I wanted to achieve on day 1 of recovery. I've also treated my first client today as well, a 30 minute massage, again, I felt no discomfort performing this. My mantra moving forward, is, if it feels ok, do it but take care in the process.
Below is a picture of how the scar looks today;
Thank you for reading