Friday, 2 August 2013

Beat the hangover.....naturally

We've all been there; gorgeous weather, fabulous company, the drink is flowing, having fun is the game, we convince ourselves another drink will be fine, we go to bed, we wake up a few hours later, inside the duvet....BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!! hangover from hell.

Now there are countless over the counter remedies that are at hand to help us over this dodgy period of feeling/being sick, headache, furry mouth etc, but have you ever tried a more natural approach to this situation?  Not only could it work out cheaper but will work more in synch with your normal/natural body rhythms.

Most of the effects of a hangover are due to dehydration, so the simplest way to begin feeling better is to start taking on water, because who ever remembers to drink plenty before you go to bed when that last vodka seems far more tempting.  You also need to replenish salts within the body to enable the water to be absorbed more efficiently; to this end try drinking dandelion tea to replenish potassium or eat dandelion flowers in a salad.  Munching on a banana will have a similar effect.  If none of these are available, a packet of crisps will help instead.

Here is a list of other herbal remedies to aid your throbbing head and bubbling stomach;
Chamomile; works wonders for headaches & indigestion, especially if sweetened with a little honey.

Dandelion; great at stimulating the kidneys and liver to detoxify the body

Fennel; Eases nausea and indigestion when drunk as a tea.  Not to be used if you are pregnant or suffer with epilepsy

Juniper; As well as being a key ingredient in gin, it can help with the fall out too. A hair of the dog of gin and tonic with a dash of lemon and some honey has great restorative powers....just don't over do it again!

Lime; A glass of lime juice or slice in a glass of water is very restorative and energising.  It will also aid digestion too.  Lemon is similar also, in that it is refreshing, soothing, and helps clear post drinking fuzziness.

Milk Thistle; Aids in the protection of the liver from the effects of drinking, so can be taken daily as a preventative measure for any future drunken episodes.

Peppermint; Eases headaches, nausea & indigestion.  Drunk as a tea, or chew peppermint leaves to gain relief, and to freshen drinkers mouth.  not to be used if pregnant.

Rosemary;  Helps relieve tiredness and tummy upsets.  Use rosemary oil in the bath, or inhale if mixed into a burner.  Alternatively add Rosemary leaves as a food garnish.

And there you have it, a few natural alternatives to help you get off the hangover couch and back on the road to recovery.  Now where did I put the gin........