Chocolate is often portrayed as the villain for giving us bad skin, making us pile on the pounds due to high levels of fat and sugar, but what many people don't know is that cocoa beans contain antioxidants which help to combat ageing. The caffeine in chocolate stimulates a sluggish circulation, the increased blood flow delivering more vital nutrients to cells in the body as well as removing toxins and waste.

With all this in mind, and just for Spring, I'm introducing chocolate into the treatment room in the form of a rich chocolate pre-treatment body wash and body scrub. These deluxe upgrades to both facial and back massage treatments will leave you salivating for the real thing as they smell absolutely divine, and the process of having a chocolate scrub prior to a back massage means not only will you smell gorgeous, your skin will feel velvety smooth and be open to utilising the benefits of the essential oils in the massage oil to a greater extent. Win all round. To book your chocolate treat at only an additional £5 to your normal treatment price, just quote "Chocolate Experience" either on the phone, text or email. I hope to see you soon.