Many moons ago I bought a book called Facercise by Carole Maggio, in which she basically had created a facial exercise routine to strengthen the facial muscles, in effect a natural face lift, for people afraid to, or unable to afford, invasive, painful surgery.
This book has languished in the back of my book case until recently, but I've dug it out, dusted off the cobwebs and over the next few weeks, together we can give these exercises a go and see if they make a difference to our looks. You might get funny looks if you try ding them on the bus or tram, so i suggest you do them in the comfort of your home either once or twice a day.
Many of us do regular exercise to tone and strengthen the muscles in our body, to improve our appearance and enhance our looks but have you not wondered why the muscles in our face don't get a work out too? Think about it? Our facial muscles are made of the exact same stuff as say a hamstring or bicep so why aren't we exercising them also?

As you can see there is alot going off there. As we age, along with the effects of lifestyle, diet and the environment, the delicate contours of our face begin to soften and (here's the word I hate) SAG!! (shudders) Wrinkles and lines develop and the only way you're gonna look 21 again is in flattering lighting whilst stood on your head!!
So, Carole says by doing facial exercises, we can strengthen our facial muscles and, although we can't make our faces look 20 years younger, and I haven't found a tardis on ebay, I, and hope you too, will join in giving these exercises a go. I'm giving us 2 to try this week, with more to follow next week.
Are you ready to pull faces?

This is working the lips for a fuller pout without the trout! You can sit or lie for this. Close your lips but don't clench your teeth. Put the tip of your finger where your lips meet then firmly press your lips together. Imagine your finger as a pencil that you are trying to press against your lips. Slowly move the finger/pencil away from your lips whilst keeping your lips firmly pressed together. Imagine a trail of energy from your finger to your lips, keep pulling the finger back til you feel "the burn". Now pulse your finger for a count of 30 then relax. Repeat. This is great too for dispersing tension that you may hold in your mouth.
Exercise 2

This may look like I've swallowed a golf ball but it is in fact working the jaw, drawing up droopy jowls and sagging around the jaw.
So, in a seated position, open your mouth and roll your lower lip tightly over your lower teeth. Pull the corners of your mouth back tight. Press your upper lip against the upper teeth. Open and close your jaw in a slow scooping motion as if using the jaw to scoop something up. with each scoop, lift the jaw up half an inch or so. Imagine the sides of your face lifting. Place both hands (i could only use 1 as holding phone with the other) to move energy up the side of the face. After several scoops your head should be tilted back and your chin facing the ceiling. When you feel "the burn" hold the pose for a count of 20 then relax. Repeat.
More exercises to follow next week. If you follow them, please let me know how you get on.
Til next week, stay safe