Monday 14 January 2013

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a very versatile product which I use personally for a multitude of things including cooking, massage, face creams( either on its own or mixed with essential oils) and as a coat deodoriser for my dog!

The oil is solid at room temperature but when held quickly melts into a runny liquid, perfect for massage, using as a body moisturiser.  I add when i am roasting vegetables, they crisp up wonderfully and taste divine.

So what are the benefits of using Coconut oil?  It is excellent for weight loss (yes really more on that in a bit), coping with stress, improving digestion, bone strength, cancer, HIV, Diabetes, due to the lauric, capric & caprylic acids in the coconut.  It is also antifungal, antibacterial, an antioxidant and a soothing agent too.  I used on my tattoos along with lavendar oil mixed with it when they were healing with no problems at all, in fact I'd say they healed quicker compared to friends who have been inked.  I also use it on rashes, areas of soreness or chafing.  

The oil was once v popular but in the 1970's propoganda against it claimed the high fat content was detrimental to health and it wasn't until the early 2000's that this was questioned.

The lauric acid is converted by the body into monolaurin that it is claimed helps fight bacteria, viruses, including herpes, flu and even HIV.

Let's have a look then at some everyday uses of the oil and how it could benefit you;

  • Used in the hair, it can promote healthy growth, a reduction in split ends and breaking, combat dandruff, head lice etc

  • Used on the skin as an effective moisturiser, smoothing out dry, flakey skin; is excellent to use on areas of eczema, dermatitis and other skin conditions.  Due to its antioxidant properties the oil is claimed to help with premature ageing.

  • As an aid in heart conditions. Popular thought is that saturated fats are bad for the heart, however coconut oil is 50% lauric acid which helps regulate cholesterol and lower high blood pressure.

  • Use coconut oil to help you lose weight; the oil is made of short and medium chains of fatty acids that are easy to digest, aiding the thyroid and enzyme systems in the body.  It also increases the body's metabolism so that you burn more energy, reducing your fat levels. The oil has less calories than other oils too. 

  • As a digestive aid; use as a cooking oil, the anti bacterial properties support your guts healthy bacteria by removing damaging bacteria, parasites etc.  It also aids in the absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.  This in turn improves the strength of our bones, and teeth due to increased calcium be absorbed.

  • It prevents and dissolves kidney stones

  • In the case of Diabetes, the oil helps control sugar levels and improves the secretion of insulin.
Coconut oil can used topically or internally.  When cooking simply replace some of the oil or fat required in the dish with coconut.  Using both means you do not miss out totally on the benefits and nutrients in the other ingredients.  To use on the skin or hair, just place it in your hands and slowly rub together.  It will quickly melt and can be applied to where you want it.

There are many brands out there, so why not give coconut oil a try today and beginning experiencing all its benefits

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