Monday 25 February 2013

My fat loss journey update

Update;  so it is now almost a year since I began this journey, 304 days the fitnesspal app says.  My weight has levelled at 70kg while people are still telling me I look slimmer. Tis true my muscle definition is more pronounced but I am not losing anything now.  I still eat carefully, have the odd cheat day and enjoy it.  I am still keeping up the swimming, weekly if possible, and also started going to aqua aerobics.  Now I always thought it was easy exercise for OAPs but I wanted to give it a try as I felt confident enough in this new body to bare myself in a group of other people. To say I love it would be an understatement; If you put the same energy and commitment into the exercises as you would in a normal group exercise class on dry land (lol) it is a really challenging workout.

The only blip I have to contend with this year will be my hernia operation in April which will mean I wont be able to exercise for at least 2 weeks then be careful for several weeks after that, including no dog walking.  I am fearful that I'll put weight on during this period so will be watching my intake just to ensure it is kept to the minimum.

Update 2;  

It's December 2013, and it feels weird reading the above entry as it seems so long ago yet this year has just flown by when I analyse it.  Mentally, I don't feel like the person who wrote the above, I feel a lot stronger in some aspects of my life, my exercise being one of them.  Rather than try and talk myself out of something by thinking up an excuse why not to do it, I just get on with it now and worry later.  In class, I have finally moved to the front of the class rather than shy away at the back, and I love it, more room, see what's happening better and more of an opportunity to show off lol. It's a confidence I never thought I would achieve.

I am still on the 'diet' with weekly cheats, and I have lost perhaps another 4-5 pounds, but my definition is greater and I can look in the mirror and not feel disgusted with myself, or not bother looking in one at all!!

The operation was a huge success, don't know why I was worried.  I was actually back doing Aqua and Advanced Aerobics by Day 13 of recovery, so determined I was to get back into shape, and I didn't gain a pound.

So as another year ends, I feel fitter and more confident than perhaps I ever have as an adult.  Don't be deterred from pursuing your goals, be they fat loss or something else.  Be determined and more positive and success will ultimately come.  

Below is the link to my original post at the very start of my weight loss journey

1 comment:

  1. Well done Michael you are glowing proof that you can do anything when you put your mind to it. Great Job!
