Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Plantar Fasciitis

Okay, so you've heard me mention my dodgy foot (the left one to be exact) which is currently causing me some discomfort, well what it actually is
and 2 clients came to me with it last week too, so for any other sufferers out there at the minute, here's what it actually is.
An intense pain is felt in the heel, whenever weight is placed upon it.  The pain is usally worse in the morning or after a period of inactivity.  Walking, for short periods helps alleviate the pain, but continued walking can increase it again.
The pain is caused by a thickening and damaging of the plantar fascia, a tough, flexible band of tissue that runs under the sole of the foot and connects the heel to the other bones of the foot.  Sudden damage or long term damage that builds up,  causes the thickening which can then lead to microtears in the tissue resulting in pain.
People who are overweight become more inclined to develop the condition.  Other less common causes include;a stress fracture in the ankle (which I think is my cause following a fall at the gym before Xmas and me thinking my ankle was broken, and the ankle is still not "right" now), bursitis (inflammation of 1 or more bursa. Bursa a small fluid filled sacs that are located over joints and in between tendons and bones).
So how is it treated?  A combination of stretches to the foot and calf, and painkillers.  Rest is the best way to improve the condition, but as someone who has a busy schedule (gym, dog walks etc, for me this a nigh impossibility). Placing an ice pack onto the area to alleviate pain is recommended, rolling the area with a golf or tennis ball to break down the thickening can work too.  Treat both feet to improve stability.

In severe cases, surgery is required to release the fascia. (frighten myself why don't I)
So I'm on it now with extra stretches and massaging the area, I'll keep you informed how I get on.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Simple Guide to Eczema


If we don't have it ourselves, i'm sure most of us have known someone who suffers with this quite common skin.
It is a condition that causes the skin to become dry, itchy, inflammed and cracked, it is a chronic longterm condition that can affect any part of the body, but most commonly around the knees, scalp, elbows and cheeks.  The condition can have quiet periods where it is less severe, then more active ones.  There are several types of eczema, some that cause blistering, affect only the lower leg, or parts of the face, but to simplify, I'll discuss Atopic Eczema as a generalisation.

Symptoms of eczema can be mild or can be disruptive to a normal life, with widespread lesions, constant itching, causing bleeding, preventing a normal night's sleep, loss of confidence and anxiety.  A sufferer must be careful not to allow an area to become infected which can lead to oozing of fluid, swelling and scarring.

People with atopic eczema inherently have a dry skin which cannot retain moisture.  This makes the skin more likely to react to triggers, these can be foods, certain fabrics, animal fur, the weather, chemicals, products placed onto the skin.  You can be predisposed to eczema if your parents/grandparents have the condition.  Eczema is NOT contagious.

Eczema can be treated with a thick hydrating cream to reduce dryness and redness, steroid creams(these can do more harm than good), dietary changes, avoiding known triggers, a medical professional will take a person with eczema through a series of tests to determine what these might be.  

Massage can be used to relieve the effects of eczema when the sufferer is experiencing a quiet phase.  Massage is contraindicated on an active, bleeding, weeping phase.  Providing the patient is not allergic to the oils used, a medium composing of aromatherapy oils, coconut oil or wheatgerm/avocado oil (high in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E) can deeply rehydrate a dry flaky skin, ease the itchiness and offer relief. In addition, the aromatherapy oils can relax to encourage a peaceful nights sleep free from itching.  Mild eczema can be treated with a high frequency facial, to reduce redness and promote healing of the skin.  I only use organic(90%+ in some products) Neal's Yard products that are free of chemicals, SPS, additives etc.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Love Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Vitamin D  is important for good overall health, strong health bones, in enabling the proper function of the heart, brain and lungs as well as supporting the immune system.

Our bodies make the vitamin from sunlight, though we can take vitamin D supplements, as well as a very small amount coming from our food.  Vitamin D undergoes several changes in composition within our body before it can be used, when it is ready, it regulates the amount of calcium in the blood, bones and gut and helps cells within the body communicate properly.

Vitamin D enables our body to absorb calcium and phosphorus both minerals required for strong bones.  We could eat a diet super rich in these minerals thinking we were strengthening bone but without Vit D it would be a waste of time.  A severe deficiency of Vit D leads to that Olde Worlde Dickensian condition "rickets".

Additional functions of Vit D include;
  • Supporting the immune system and improving muscle function
  • Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Supports the respiratory system and aids brain development
  • Anti cancer effects
As well as rickets, a deficiency of Vit D can be associated with asthma, cancer, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, & Crohns disease.

So, show a bit of skin to boost your natural Vit D levels, but don't go over board and get sunburn, as that has a proven detrimental effect to the body.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Sharing the coconut oil love

Years before it's popularity took off, I was using coconut oil in treatments as it enabled me to glide wonderfully over a client's body, as well as using it as a moisturiser on my body.  Only recently have I started using it in cooking as I was under the misconception that it make me pack on the pounds.

So here is my basics guide to COCONUT OIL

Organic Raw Coconut Oil has amazing properties;  it can soften and soothe ageing or dry skin, in cooking to ass essential fatty acids into the diet, added to smoothies & shakes it can aid weight loss (the oil contains special fats called MCT's which helps the body's metabolism), can be applied to the hair as an intensive repair agent, left for 30 mins, wash out as normal and be left with silky, glossy locks!

Coconut Oil is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids which make it an excellent skin conditioner as it penetrates into the upper epidermis with ease.  It can help soften the appearance of stretch marks.  Although it is an oil, the coconut does not leave the skin feeling greasy.

Coconut Oil is being used increasingly in nutrition.  The saturated fats found in coconut have an entirely different effect on metabolism compared to fats of an animal origin.  The oil is easier to digest and absorb than other saturated fats.  Also the MCT's (Medium Chain Triglyerides) are not stored as fat reserves as much as animal fats are.  This is because the MCT's provide a longer release of energy to the body and decrease the amount of muscle broken down, and as we know, muscle burns more energy than fat, so the more you have, the more fat can be burned.

I've started using more Coconut Oil in my cooking, using it as a replacement for oil or butter.  It is highly heat resistant so is ideal for baking, frying etc.If you are a little wary, try half and half in a recipe and see how you get on.  Coconut Oil used in a Victoria Sandwich cake that has also been made with gluten free flour results in the lightest of textures to a cake I have ever known :)

I've tried many brands of Coconut Oil over the years, but my absolute fave is the Viridian Raw Organic one, the taste is much more creamy and it smells divine too.  I get mine from Little London Herbal Stores on Trinity Walk

Here are a few recipes using Coconut Oil to get you started.

Goji & Pumpkin Seed Energy Bombs

You'll need; 3 handfuls of goji berries, 3 of pumpkin seeds & 2 heaped tablespoons of Coconut Oil

To make;
Melt the oil in a bowl that is resting above a saucepan of simmering water.  In a food processor or similar, place the goji berries and pumpkin seeds, and chop them until course ground texture is achieved.  Once the oil has melted, add it to the processed ingredients and mix thoroughly.  You will have a sticky but firm mixture.  Roll into bite sized balls, place on a plate & refrigerate until firm.

Spicy Lentil & Coconut Soup

You'll need;  2 tbsp of coconut oil, 1 finely chopped red onion, 1 fresh green chilli, 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 1 piece finely chopped lemongrass, 100g of red lentils, 1 tsp coriander, 200ml coconut milk, juice of half a lime, 1 chopped spring onion.

To make;
add the garlic, onion, chilli & lemongrass in a pan with melted coconut oil and saute for 5 mins.  Salt to taste(I use unrefined sea salt).  Add the lentils and pour in the coconut milk along with 400ml water.  reduce the heat and allow to simmer for 45 mins, until lentils are soft and mushy.  Take off the heat and add the lime juice.  Serve