Monday, 30 November 2015

Why the direction you sleep can affect your health

So it's a Monday morning, and I've set myself a major project at home.  After 16 years, I'm finally getting round to moving the furniture around in my bedroom and changing the look of the place before decorating next year.  This got me thinking, will lying in a different position affect my sleep?  The more I read, the interesting facts I kept discovering, so I've highlighted some of the more interesting ones below;

Sleep is obviously a key component in achieving good physical and emotional health.  Choosing the correct direction we face can either hamper or boost our sleep pattern, improving or disrupting our health accordingly.  Every article I read seemed to believe that the best direction to sleep in for a restful and undisturbed night's rest is for the head to face east and the feet towards the west (or vice versa).  This is said to supply the body with an abundance of positive energy.

You should never sleep with your head pointing North as this places you in the direction of earth's magnetic field which has a negative effect on our bodies.  Some individuals who sleep this way can experience restless sleep and nightmares.  According to the Hindi religion, sleeping with your head pointing south west also allows the body to be filled with an abundance of positive energy.  They also state that if your head points due South (where I currently sleep) you are looking straight into the eyes of the God of Death, Lord Yama!!! So that's where I've been going wrong!!

Mythology aside, modern physics  informs us much the same information.  The Law of magnetism says the North Pole is a source of negative energy whilst the South is positive.  If your head faces North is receives negative energy from the magnetic field which can lead to tiredness, sluggishness and reduced brain function first thing in the morning.  Feng Shui also highlights the benefits of sleeping with your head facing East too.  So if you do suffer with a bad night's sleep on a regular basis, maybe look at which direction you are facing.  Providing I can shift my bed and the furniture (hello bad back!!) I'm going to go east and see if it makes a difference.

Til next week, good health to you.

For any enquiries, email Michael at

Thursday, 26 November 2015

3 essential oils you can't do without this winter

So hands up, who has already fallen foul of some winter bug or lurgy?  I did have a few days of feeling totally wiped out a few weeks ago with a sore throat to boot so I'm hoping that this is me now out of the winter bug equation.  If you are suffering or wish to be armed with some natural remedies, continue reading to learn how some simple essential oils could save you and your family some unnecessary unpleasantness:(NB for kids under 2 use only half the amount of drops of each oil)

  • For a raised temperature add 2 drops to some bubble bath and add to the water.  This also works for aches and pains caused by cold/flu symptoms.
  • For chesty coughs, add 4 drops to an egg cupful of olive oil and rub into the chest several times a day
  • For congested sinuses, add 2 drops to an egg cupful of lotion or cream nd gently apply (sparingly) to the cheekbones and temples several times a day.
Chamomile Roman:
  • To aid sleep, put 2 drops of oil onto a tissue and place inside the a pillowslip or under your bottom sheet near the place the head will be resting.  The oil will evaporate to give a relaxing aroma to the room.
  • Add 2 drops of the oil to your bath water to aid relaxation.
  • For red angry skin or a high temperature, add 4 drops of the oil to an egg cupful of lotion or cream and apply sparingly throughout the day.
Sweet Orange:
  • To help stop the spread of infection and lift the spirits add for drops to an oil burner or fan vaporiser
  • To help with sickness and other digestive disorders, add 4 drops to an egg cupful of olive oil and massage the abdomen gently several times a day.
  • To lift the spirits, add 2 drops to your bath water
Til next week, good health to you.

For any enquiries, email Michael at

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Could the shirt on your back be harming you?

You've heard the phrase, "You are what you eat", I'm sure, but have you ever considered this: "You are what you wear"?  Apart from vegetarians who avoid leather on ethical reasons, what else should we be conscious of.

You may be aware that more and more synthetic chemicals are creating an allergy epidemic, we are less savvy when it comes to our clothing.  Since the 70's chemical finishes have been applied to our clothing.  This is happening more and more, and some of the substances being used include carcinogenic toxins and have been found in clothing as well as bedding.  The toxins rub against our skin and can be absorbed by our bodies, negatively effecting our health and wellbeing.  One of the most commonly used chemicals is formaldehyde, a well known human carcinogen.  Formaldehyde is presented on shelves as "easy care", "non-iron"or "stain resistant".  It is also used to flame proof children's nightwear.  It doesn't come out through washing. 
Other toxic additions to our clothes include PPD, trichloroethyne, brominated flame retardants and perfluorinated chemicals.  Triclosan, if overused, can lead to resistance to antibiotics.  In addition, sufferers of eczema or similar skin conditions, may find their condition is worsened by wearing certain items of clothing without them realising their clothes have these toxic finishes to them.

Some school uniforms contain teflon and other chemical finishes as standard along with solvents within the collars.  Other clothing descriptions to be aware of include "water repellent", "anti-static", "antibacterial" or "antimicrobial".  We all have to wear clothes in our lives (well I know I do unless you are a closet naturist on the side) and it can be difficult to research what is hidden in what we are wanting to buy.  If you are seriously concerned by what is coating what you place on your skin, try swapping to 100% organic cotton, especially if you do have a chronic skin complaint.  A friend shops at eczema clothing for both herself and children and swears by them.  Click the logo below to be taken to their site

Til next week, good health to you!