Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Who feels bloated like a puffer fish?

Did you have a good Christmas?  Despite all your protests did you in fact stuff yourself silly and are now sat there feeling like a bloated lump?  You're not alone.  After 2 days of eating curries, sandwiches, chips and kebab meat (yes all festive wasn't it!!), I got to the gym yesterday morning and felt like a helium balloon, fit to burst.  Who remembers Weebles?  Well I felt like one of those too

So after all that over indulgence, I'm back on the sensible train again (until New Years?) and just cheating at the weekends as I've always done.

Over the Xmas period I did something productive other than feed my cake hole, and put together the bare bones of a new project to help clients come to terms and manage their stress levels through massage, meditation and a stress reducing blend of essential oils.  It's not finalised yet, more to come early in the new year.

Which leads me to wish you all a Happy New Year, many thanks for your continued support & patronage, see you in January.

Til next week, good health to you.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Tips for a stress free Xmas

So, as the 25th speeds towards us, are you prepared, spent all your cash on gifts and food, or are you in panic mode wondering how you are going to get everything done?  Then read on to my HANDY HINTS TO AVOID XMAS STRESS and learn how to get the most enjoyment out of the holiday season.

  1. Plan ahead;  as far in advance as possible.  Make detailed lists so as not to forget things, delegate tasks to other family members, learn not to micro manage everything.
  2. Shop online;  yes I know we have to protect our independent retailers and our high st generally, but this once, when the streets are packed to bursting, it's chucking it down outside, just this once, buy as much as you are comfortable with ONLINE.  If doing your Xmas food shop online reread point 1 and do this as far ahead as possible.
  3. Christmas cards;  Do you really need to send all those cards out to folk you've not seen in years and never reply to you?  Do you need the added stress of stupidly expensive postage?  Do what I do; send only to family members and friends you have contact with who do not live locally.  Most of the people we see on a daily basis are on social media.  Tag them all into a single Christmas message on facebook, instagram or twitter.  Saves money, time and expense.
  4. Learn to keep calm;  burn some incense or essential oil, play some relaxing tunes whilst you are preparing things, make it more fun.
  5. Seating; If you are having someone over to dinner or tea whom you or other family member doesn't get on with, arrange seating so that they are as far apart as possible.  If no-one likes this person, is there a way you can avoid inviting them?  Remember, we are doing stress reduction eg YOURS!
  6. Avoid prepping whilst drinking caffeine laden drinks, it will only make any stress worse.
  7. Practice your breathing; learn to take slow, deep breaths, again this will aid in controlling your stress levels
  8. Have an escape plan;  if all else fails and you are second away from ramming a chicken drum stick down great aunt petunia's throat, make an excuse to leave the room, say you are just going to call someone to wish them a happy holidays, popping out to check on a neighbour who is alone, be imaginative.  Even if it's just for 10 minutes of escape.
  9. Make time for exercise; Again this will help reduce stress levels.  Go for a walk outside, walk the dog, go for a bike ride, jog, get outside and breathe in the fresh air, you'll feel much better afterwards.
  10. Try not to hit the bottle too much;  it's tempting to neck it back in the hope of making out a situation, but not only may you say something you may regret later, you will feel like crap the next morning.
  11. Finally, try and have fun and enjoy it all.  It's only once a year after all and thankfully not everyday if Roy Wood would have his way.
  12. Before I forget, finally, finally.....get an invite to someone else's house and let them have all the worry :)

Til next week, good health to you.

For any enquiries, email Michael at synergy_therapies@icloud.com

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Make Massage a gift this Christmas

Treat someone special in your life to this wonderful Massage package.  Choose how much time you would like to treat them to, 1, 2, or 3 hours worth of relaxation.  Your loved one can then use their gift in 30, 45 or 60 minute treatment times.

Email me with any questions or to arrange payment of this extra special Christmas gift.  On payment I can supply a gift voucher that can be given to the lucky recipient on Christmas day.  Perfect for the man or lady in your life.

Email; synergy_therapies@icloud.com

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

5 tips to prevent hair loss

Okay, those amongst you who come to see me on a regular basis cannot failed to have noticed that all this year I have been regrowing my hair, more out of curiosity than anything else since it has been a a long while since I graced waist length black locks back combed to within and inch of its life and then long flowing blonde mane, so, after years of keeping it cropped when I noticed it thinning, I was intrigued to learn what would emerge.  

The result has been better than expected (though no where as thick as it once was.  And I'm going to be keeping it for the forseeable future.  Spookily too, there was a discussion at the gym about hair loss especially menopausal hair loss and I started thinking about male pattern hair loss that my paternal grandfather had so decided to find some basic info with which to jot down here.

We take for granted the hair on our heads and as for all the hair over our bodies, if we don't want it there we can wax or shave it off but how must it feel if our hair starts to vanish and we are not in control of it.

 Alopecia is the general medical term for any type of hair loss which can be broken down into groups of people suffering from hair loss with different causes.  The most common, Male pattern baldness affects 50% of men by age 50.  We've all seen it, receding hair line, leaving the horseshoe shape of hair around the sides and back.  Causes?  Usually hereditary, caused by over sensitive hair follicles to certain male hormones.  A female variant normally affects the hair on the top of the head, a thinning takes place of the hair whereas the male version can leave the scalp totally bald.  Female pattern baldness is still pretty much a mystery, it's not sure if it is hereditary, but is more noticeable among women who have gone through the menopause.  Which brings us to the menopause proper, why does it affect the hair on alot of women's heads?

It's a cliche but the answer lies with "the hormones".Oestrogen levels drop which affect, among a multitude of other things (moods, hot flushes etc) the ability of the hair to grow, while at the same time testosterone levels rise out of control, so that hair becomes thinner, sometimes weaker, skin becomes drier and itchy.  The latter may benefit from increasing the intake of foods rich in Omega 3 eg oily fish, flax.  An unwanted effect of falling oestrogen levels can be the development of facial hair.  

Another form of alopecia causes hair to vanish in patches anywhere on the body and can affect anyone regardless of age or gender.  Usually this lasts a few months before regrowth occurs but can develop into total hairloss on the head or all over the body.  Sufferers of an overactive thyroid, diabetes or down's syndrome can be predisposed to this condition.  In addition stress, trauma, diet and other lifestyle factors can also trigger a loss of hair either to the head or across the whole body.

In most cases a loss of hair is a temporary situation (except the hair pattern variety) and over time it will regrow.  If it doesn't, the psychological effects of losing it can be devastating to people and looking into a cure or some solution becomes a priority.  Doctors can subscribe medication to try and get the hair to regrow, surgery can be used to extract hair from where it is plentiful and replant it into the bald/thinner areas or the easiest solution is to invest in a natural looking wig, like a number of clients I see.  Over the years, as they have gotten over any feelings of trepidation, fear, or embarrassment, now all whip their wigs off before settling down for their treatment.  It can be devastating to see your pride and joy start vanishing, but help is out there if you choose to seek it. 

Til next week, good health to you.

For any enquiries, email Michael at synergy_therapies@icloud.com