Monday 11 July 2016

5 symptoms your body needs help


You may or may not know that the liver is the largest internal organ, it's main function is to protect our tissues from damage by filtering out toxins.  Unlike other organs, it has incredible regenerative capabilities.

5 signs your body may be in distress;

Abdominal swelling could be a sign of Ascites.  If the liver can't work properly  the body experiences a build up of proteins whilst your tissues accumulate fluids leading to a pot belly.  The liver may also be damaged by cirrhosis.  Swelling may also occur in the ankles, hands & feet, as gravity takes ahold of the excess fluid.

There can be many reasons for experiencing symptoms of fatigue & weakness but sometimes they can be due to an accumulation of waste products and low levels of oxygen in the blood.

Liver problems can also result in loss of appetite and a drop in weight.  If you also experience flu-like symptoms, these may indicate that you have hepatitis.  Left untreated, the liver becomes increasingly damaged and feelings of pain and nausea will develop.

If the liver is under strain, it's functions decrease resulting in a build up of toxins in the bloodstream.  An excess of bilirubin in the blood results in a jaundiced appearance and the colour of your urine changes to a dark brown.

Strangely, liver damage can result in changes to your personality.  A build up of toxins can damage the brain.  People experience a lack of concentration, feelings of confusion & cognitive issues.  Toxins also disturb sleep patterns and there can be an increase of forgetfulness.

Although we hope we never have to experience problems with our livers, it's always good to be armed with some information whether for ourselves or those around us.  Here are some good foods to help protect our livers

Until next week, stay safe

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