Ok, as promised here's the FP latest. This Wednesday is the free trial class which was full in just under an hour of announcing the day and time, which was very nice to see. The 1st 6 week block will start on Wednesday October 12 at The Riverside and run weekly until Nov 16th. Price will be £30 for the block to be paid in full up front. Cash, cheque, paypal etc all gratefully accepted or contact me for details of a bank transfer. Leading up to Xmas, I think a more flexible approach of pay per session to allow participants more freedom to fit in shopping, work parties and the like before a new block starts in January. Participants would need to book in advance for these stand alone classes
Fitness Pilates is a complimentary class aimed at all levels, ages and abilities. It is general level incorporating basic Pilates techniques and exercises in a non intimidating and easy to follow way.
Also for January, I've been toying with a weekly, more dynamic yet low impact, interval based FP session to fit in with all our new years resolutions to get fit and lose weight. It's more likely to run on a Monday evening, keep your ears and eyes open for more developments.
If you have any questions or would like more info, then please don't hesitate to contact me via the usual channels.
For those of you amongst you who like to be super organised and spread the cost of Xmas and time preparing for it over a longer time, please take a look at my Neal's Yard online store, where there are some great gift sets available as well as various offers on selected bath & skincare lines. The link will take you safely to the store. http://uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/jamesmichaelbond
And last but by no means least, regardless of my talk of Fitness Pilates and Neal's Yard, I am indeed still available for Massage, Facial Treatments & Hopi Ear Candles as normal.
Til next week