Are you or do you know someone who cannot sit still? Do they constantly fiddle with their hands or shuffle their feet much to your annoyance? We all know that sitting for long periods of time at a desk or on a long haul flight reduces the flow of blood to the legs, which may contribute to cardiovascular disease over time. New research now shows that fidgeting can be beneficial to our health.
A study set out to prove that a small amount of leg fidgeting could prevent a decline in leg vascular function caused by sitting for an extended period. A sample of 11 young men and women were used, having their leg vascular function tested before & after 3 hours of sitting. Whilst they were sitting they were encouraged to fidget one leg for a minute, either shuffling, tapping etc. They then repeated this after a 4 minute rest. The second leg remained still throughout. When the researchers tested the subjects afterwards, they found that the active leg had increased blood flow whilst the other had reduced blood flow. With such a small sample, the result was hardly conclusive but it does give food for thought. In the real world, the researchers recommend tapping both legs to maximise the health benefits but also caution that fidgeting is not a substitute for walking & exercise which provide better overall cardiovascular benefits but if you are unable to take regular breaks to get up and stretch your legs and move about, then fidgeting is an alternative to consider.

Until next week, get fidgeting :)
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