Now, as a kid were your parents or grandparents always berating you to sit up straight and not to slouch. I know mine did and I'm aware at times my posture is still not the best when I catch myself in the mirror so I've put together 9 simple ways we can all work on getting that "perfect posture position".
Stand up straight! How many times have we heard this? Yet we still go on typing messages with our neck folded forward. It's time to give up on this bad habit, and we have plenty good reasons to do so.
Physiotherapist Murat Dalkilinc claims that bad posture has serious negative affects on the body. While standing or seated, body posture is a sign of our body's adaptation to stress.
Bad posture could be the main reason behind all soreness and pain. This is caused by the pressure you put on your vertebra. This pressure affects your mood and mental health significantly. According to 2014 Issue of Health Psychology, bad posture can make you sad, angry, irritated, fearful or even sleepy. A small change in your posture could make you feel more energetic and less tired. Definitely worth trying!

If you're standing, your vertebra needs to be supported. Imagine an invisible cross in your body that aligns your shoulders, hips, knees and feet. Hold your head straight and make sure your chin is parallel to the ground. Move around your arms and shoulders naturally while you're on the go.
If you're seated your neck should be straight. Try not to bend it forward. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your arms close to your body. Adjust your knees to reach the right angle and your feet should touch to the ground.

9 things to try to improve your posture
- Adjust your computer screen to be at eye level
- Make sure every part of your body is supported, using ergonomic aids to support elbows & ankles
- Sleeping on your side is god for your posture, supporting the body with a pillow under the neck and between the legs.
- Wear flat shoes that have a bit of bounce in them when you walk such as cushion soled trainers
- Use headphones when using your mobile
- Move about as much as you can during the day, trying to not stay in one position for extended periods.
- Carry your stuff around that you need daily in a rucksack that is hung off your back with straps over both shoulders
- Similar to no.6, don't sit around all day, MOVE. Even short 5 minute walks several times a day can be beneficial
- Perform some sort of exercise everyday.
Michael B
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