Like it or not, we are heading to cold/flu season accompanied by bunged up noses, drippy noses etc. For your delectation here are some snotty facts;
Mucus Matters
The body produces 1-1.5 litres of mucus a day but we only really notice it when its consistency or colour changes when get ill. Mucus plays an important role in the body so we need it really to maintain good health.
Mucus occurs naturally in the mouth, nose, sinuses, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. It provides a moist protective layer in these sensitive areas and prevents them from drying out. Some mucus is thick and gooey to prevent foreign, unwanted bodies from getting into the body. It is therefore important as it contains antibodies to fight infection, enzymes that kill off some foreign substances trying to invade the body, and proteins that make mucus inhospitable to other sorts too.
Here is what the colour of your mucus means;
Clear - you're normal, the mucus is in a stable state consisting mainly of water and the substances mentioned above. Mucus is constantly produced, being swallowed down the throat.
White - you may be congested. Body is signalling you may be getting a cold, an allergy, nasal infection
Yellow - the infection is progressing, white blood cells are present to help kill it off, when they die they are cleared away by the mucus, hence their presence turns it yellow.
Green - the immune system is fighting back, more white blood cells are fighting the infection and more toxins are being removed.
Red - excessive blowing or picking the nose has caused a blood vessel to burst.
Brown - you've probably inhaled something dark rather than alot of dried blood being removed.
Black - you are a smoker or have a fungal infection. Smoking and taking drugs can turn mucus black. Also, a compromised immune system may result in a fungal infection being present in which case seeking medical help is advised.
Be healthy
Til next week
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