Tuesday, 11 November 2014

November 2014 Promotion

For all of November, why don't you and a friend, take some catch up time and enjoy a relaxing, calming treatment in the process.  Treatments to be taken at The Riverside Natural Health Centre, Trent Bridge, Mon-Fri afternoons, Sats after 2pm.

Monday, 27 October 2014

This week's newsletter

Here is the link to this weeks edition http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/?u=047f275ed08fd2223868134b4&id=a952a2f373  To subscribe, email me synergy_therapies@icloud.com


Sunday, 28 September 2014

72 uses for household products

I'm always looking for content to post on my Facebook page.  I saw this little gem this afternoon and knew that i just had to share.  The simplest of things that can do a host of everyday chores and make a difference to our physical bodies too and a fraction of the cost of shop bought products full of chemicals and other nasties.  Take a look, some fab ideas here; 


ps you can buy castile soap on amazon, it is a natural, neutral ph soap product.

Monday, 15 September 2014

September 15th Weekly Brief

Here is your new weekly therapy update. http://bit.ly/1uDnmtP  Email me synergy_therapies@icloud.com for any info, content ideas etc and to subscribe to my weekly emails.  Alternatively, fill in the form to the right and it'll all be done for you :) 

Monday, 8 September 2014

September Therapy News

The latest Synergy newsletter is out, with a truly awesome gluten free cake recipe included.  Click here to find out more. http://eepurl.com/2JAV5  To receive future newsletter, simply fill in the subscribe section to the right of this page or email me at synergy_therapies@icloud.com

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

I'm starting early this year

If like me, you are one of those people who can't stand it when just as the August Bank Holiday has passed, the shops start filling up with Christmas stock, then you are going to wonder why I'm contradicting myself.  

I will raise my hands and say "I loathe Xmas", the run up to it is too long, it's anyone can think/talk/facebook about and it drives me mad.  However, I also hate over populated city centres, pushing and shoving in shops, queues at checkouts and the rudeness that Christmas brings out in people, even more. And for what?  1 day?  Why do people strip the shop shelves bare of every scrap of food for one day?  Everything reopens Boxing Day and I bet somewhere, there is a Tesco Express open on Xmas Day too :)

I promised myself, this year would be different, I started buying little bits from the end of June.  This also allows me to spread the cost of gifts over such a long period, I don't notice it nearly as much.  So why am I going on about this now?  I've had quite a few people, clients and friends, asking me when the new Neal's Yard catalogue was coming up as this year, they wanted to get some of the NYR Organic gift sets for family members, but get them in advance so that they too, can spread the cost.

So here is the link to the online shop, where you can peruse the range available and start ordering your Xmas in advance too.  Many of the Christmassy things are located in the "What's New" section. https://uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/michaelbond/area/shop-online/

In case you missed it on social media, Tesco have already started stocking Xmas food and The Range are blasting out carols........now where did I put that bag of tinsel.........

Tuesday, 2 September 2014


It has been my aim for some time now to produce a guide to some simple stretches.  A guide that clients could use at home in between their regular massage treatments.  This is just the first wave, I aim to add more as time allows.

Some stretching do's & dont's

  • do remember to breathe as this brings oxygen to the muscles you are stretching
  • do stretch evenly;for instance your left leg may be your tightest, also stretch your right side too.  If you stretch your your hamstrings, also stretch your quads.
  • do maintain correct posture;keep your back straight

  • don't bounce; ease into a stretch slowly and evenly.  Bouncing puts stress on the muscles & joints
  • don't overstretch; be patient and never force your body to go somewhere it doesn't or can't get to.
  • don't overextend the joints; hyperextending can cause injury
  • if it hurts, DON'T DO IT!  Listen to your body.  If you are stretching correctly, you should feel tension and maybe a little discomfort.  If you experience a sharp or sudden pain STOP!
Begin holding your stretches for 30 seconds, building up to a minute.

Kneeling, place 1 arm out in front of you, move your other arm diagonally and place on the first.  Sit back on your heels, the top hand holding onto the bottom, to feel a stretch down the side of the body, and through the shoulder area.

Kneeling, lunge 1 leg forward.  Bend the second leg and hold onto your foot/shoe to feel a stretch down the front of your thigh and groin.  Repeat to the other side

To loosen off tight hips & glutes, bring one leg forward across your body, with the second leg flat to the floor.  Lean forward whilst also sitting down into your bum cheek.  You should feel a stretch deep in your bum.

Using a band or towel, loop it over the front of your shoe/foot.  Pull the ends over your back/shoulders and place on the ground in front of you.  Your leg with bend at the knee, providing a stretch down the front of the thigh.  Repeat to both sides.

 Lying on your back, using a towel or band, hook it under your shoe/foot and raise the leg, bringing the leg closer to your chest, to produce a stretch through the hamstrings/back of leg.

Either sitting or standing, move one arm across the body, placing the second arm/hand just above the elbow joint, gently forcing the arm further across to produce a stretch through the shoulder & triceps

Seated or standing, bend one arm, raise it over your back and hold.  With your remaining hand, place it just above the elbow joint and gently push the elbow further back to stretch the triceps

To stretch the pec area and front of shoulder, place one arm against a wall, step forward with that sides leg, and gently twist towards the wall

On all fours, twist your hands 180 degrees and sit back slightly onto your heels.  feel a stretch through the forearms

Seated, place one leg of the other as pictured.  Grab the outside of your outer thigh and gently pull towards you.  You will feel a stretch in your outer thigh and bum cheek

 Seated or standing, link your hands in front of you, lower your chin and round down.  Feel the stretch between the shoulders.

To achieve a stretch through the chest & shoulders, place your hands/arms out away from you.  Shuffle your bum further away from your hands to increase the stretch.

Sitting on your heels, arms out in front of you, relax and release yourself into the position.  Move the hands further from the body if you wish to increase the back/shoulder stretch

Monday, 1 September 2014

Fit a massage in this Sunday

Are you a headless chicken dashing here, there, and everywhere from the time you get up til bedtime 6 days a week?  Are those aching muscles you promise to get sorted out one day gradually getting worse, your neck is sore, your shoulders tight? Are you just generally over stressed, over worked and over due some time for yourself?  And finally, ain't it sod's law that the one time, the one day, that solitary Sunday when you have nothing to rush for, when you get finally get your body sorted with a much needed body massage, you discover that everywhere is closed in Nottingham on a Sunday!!!

I've been attracting increasing interest of late about offering Sunday appointments, and treated 2 clients last Sunday who had woken up with severe muscle pain and on the off chance contacted me to see if I would be willing to see them.  So it got me thinking, if most spas, therapy centres are closed on a Sunday, what a better chance to start offering Sunday appointments and see what is out there.  Appointments will be available 12-6pm on an appointment basis only.  Contact me at synergy_therapies@icloud.com for more info/to book etc

Thursday, 28 August 2014

How to stop muscle wastage as we age

You've heard the old adage, "Use it or lose" when it comes to anything from fitness, flexibility, keeping the mind engaged to prevent senility, alzheimers etc, and if like myself, that would seem to make common sense, well this article explains how research has proven it to be true!! Shock! Horror! 

It also means, I shall have to remain a regular gym bunny to retain my shapely bum & legs and continue with freestyle choreography to maintain my brain is firing on all cylinders.  Here's to the next 40 years then......

Read the article here http://bit.ly/1qM58lw

To receive my regular e-newsletter to your inbox packed with therapy news, healthy recipes, therapy offers etc, please fill in the box on the right and be entered into a monthly prize draw.  Ensure you add synergy_therapies@icloud.com to your contacts to avoid it being sent to your spam box.  


Monday, 18 August 2014

Popular Treatment Playlist

Many clients recently have expressed how much they have enjoyed listening to one particular playlist I have been using in treatments, that I feel duty bound to put up the track listing.  Unfortunately titled "Ballad Massage" (I was stuck for a name, honest :)) this 2.5 hour playlist has some cracking relaxing tunes as well as some surprises, with artists picked from the 70's all the way through to the current day.  If after reading what's on the playlist and you fancy listening to it the next time you are having treatment, feel free to request it.

  • Alexandra Burke - Hallelujah
  • Judy Garland - Over The Rainbow
  • Dusty Springfield - If You Go Away
  • Cyndi Lauper - La Vie En Rose
  • Alicia Keys - Empire State Of Mind
  • Randy Crawford - Almaz
  • Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love and The First Time I Ever saw Your Face
  • Florence & The Machine - No Light
  • Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly
  • Annie Lennox - Why
  • Randy Crawford - One Day I'll Fly Away
  • Annie Lennox - A Thousand Beautiful Things
  • Barbara Streisand - Memory
  • Annie Lennox - Many Rivers To Cross
  • Neil Diamond and Barbara Streisand - You Don't Bring Me Flowers
  • Coldplay - Princess of China
  • Katie Melua - I Cried For You
  • Julie London - Cry Me A River
  • Paloma Faith - I Just Wait
  • Elbow - One Day Like This
  • Florence & The Machine - Spectrum
  • Tony Bennett with K D Lang - Blue Velvet
  • Adele - Skyfall
  • Mary Jess - Did I Make The Most of Loving You (Theme from Downton)
  • John Williams - Hedwig's Theme
  • Gloria Gaynor - Feelings
  • Kontact - Show Me A Sign
  • Alison Moyet - The First Time, Only You, That Ole Devil
  • Madonna - Take A Bow, Forbidden Love
  • Marc Almond - Glorious, For One Moment, Just Good Friends
Other Playlists are available, even one dedicated to all things Eurovision


Thursday, 17 July 2014

New Monthly Prize Draw

We all like a good raffle, prize draw, or a go on a scratch card, don't we?  I was thinking how to introduce this element of fun and chance into the treatment room, an opportunity to

I hope you like what I've come up with,.  Starting in August & running to the end of the year, every time you visit me at The Riverside, equates to one entry into the surprise end of month draw. Simple, eh?  Prizes could include free Neal's Yard samples or products, money off an hour's treatment, a free mini treatment and more.  Then come September (did I just say September? Where's the year going?), the process begins again and all your visits go towards September's prize.

I hope to see you soon, and thanks for reading


Thursday, 10 July 2014

Massage as a lifestyle choice

Unlike other countries, where massage is viewed as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, the UK lags behind in its attitude towards this beneficial therapy.  Too often it is looked upon as something dodgy, sexual or a pampering treat.  If your view happens to be one of those, you are missing out on so many good things in your life that regular massage could bring to it, benefits such as improved moods, boosted metabolism and immune system.

Whether you need to benefit from relaxation, a reduction in muscle tension or to attain relief from a chronic, painful condition, a therapeutic massage can enhance an individuals overall sense of well being both emotional & physical, improving the quality of life.

Massage is for all ages, benefits the ill, the injured and the stressed, below is a chart of a variety of conditions that benefit from this therapy

Anxiety and depressionAsthma and Emphysema
Back, leg, and neck painCancer
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain)Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Fractures and edemaGastrointestinal disorders
HeadachesInflammatory conditions such as arthritis and bursitis
InsomniaKyphosis and Scoliosis
Multiple sclerosisParkinson’s disease
Muscle tension and spasmPalliative care
Post-surgical rehabilitationPregnancy and labour support
Sports injuriesStrains and sprains
Stress and stress related conditionsStroke

Massage should be an essential part of your health plan, regardless of if you are an active person or sedentary, by providing the body with the following health benefits;

  • pain reduction or elimination, improvement of joint mobility, reduction of muscle tension.  Muscle tissue is very clever, it can adapt to injuries to continue to function though at a reduced capacity.  How many of us get a niggly twinge in area where we had an issue months, even years before. This is because when your injury was healing, scar tissue & damaging adhesions formed, both of which reduce performance, flexibilty and produce discomfort and pain.  Massage can help break down adhesions and scar tissue thereby increasing flexibility, increasing strength due to the increase of oxygen through improved blood flow to the area.

  • increased circulation, boost to the flow of lymphatic vessels lead to an improvement of your immune system, so you look and feel healthier due to the amount of toxins within the body being flushed out of the system.

  • reduction in stress levels, anxiety and feelings of depression by acting upon the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  Cortisol also enables the body to store fat cells in & around the abdomen, allowing fat cells to mature and grow larger.  The enzyme fat cells produce leads to the production of more cortisol that leads to the storage of more fat internally.  Therefore, an indirect benefit of regular massage, could be a reduction of fat cells/weight due to the treatment acting on the cortisol levels in the body.  In addition, massage can reduce cellulite by working upon the subcutaneous fat stores.  Massage places your body in a relaxed state that enables the body to reduce stress and in turn take the opportunity to begin repair of neglected parts of itself, for example damaged muscle fibres.
Taking an holistic approach to the body, regular exercise, healthy diet and yes, regular massage treatments allows your body to heal both inside and out, both physically and mentally.  The key strength to massage is as a preventative measure, having a trusted massage therapist in your "healthy corner" to stop conditions occuring before they cause you problems.

Michael is based at The Riverside Natural Health Centre, Trent Bridge, Nottingham (below Top Knot), providing Body, Indian Head, Pregnancy Massages, as well as Neal's Yard Facial treatments, Galvanic Faicals, Hope Ear Treatments and more.  

Email Michael at synergy_therapies@icloud.com

Prices for 30 minutes of massage begin at £20

Thursday, 19 June 2014

New Treatment;Purifying Back Cleanse


Purifying Back Massage with relaxing Aromatherapy Massage

Have you always had an issue with back acne (Bacne)?  Do you have regular breakouts on your back caused by hormonal imbalances?  And do these breakouts always occur just as you are off on holiday or planning on wearing a backless dress?  Guys, do you tend to get spots on your back after you've had your back waxed?

If you've answered yes to any of the above, then this new treatment could be for you.

Place yourself in my hands and begin to unwind with an indulgent, deep cleansing back treatment, enhanced with organic skincare that will leave your back looking and feeling softer, deep cleansed, brighter with a more even tone as redness is reduced.  To complement your experience, you will receive a deeply relaxing back massage with a selection of aromatherapy oils.

This amazing 60 minute treatment is available at Riverside Natural Health Centre at Trent Bridge for £40

If you would like to book this experience or would like some more information, please call 07794084666 or email me at synergy_therapies@icloud.com

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Host a NYR Organic Event for free

With the world cup almost upon us, now has never been better to organise a "NYR Organic Event", for FREE, with myself and The Riverside Natural Health Centre, Trent Bridge.

You don't have to be a World Cup Widow this year.

Simply ask a group of friends & family to attend, 6-8 is ideal, we'll provide the snacks, nibbles etc but feel free to bring your own too, then relax with your party whilst taking advantage of these exciting offers

  • a free NYR Organic facial & gift for you for simply being the hostess
  • sample a range of NYR Organic Facial Products
  • discounted facial & massage treatment for yourself and your party
  • Up to £200 worth of free & discounted NYR Organic products for yourself 
The World Cup is being held between June 12 and July 13, and event dates are filling up fast.  

Book your event today by calling Sue on 0115 9864990

The Riverside is conveniently situated on The Victoria Embankment, below Top Knot hairdressers, opposite The Riverbank Bar (Ideal for a post event glass of wine)

Both the Riverside and myself hope to welcome you soon

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Detox & Purify

Now available in my online store

Delicious Organic Detox Tea with burdock and nettle.  A great way to cleanse your body's internal organs of toxins and improve the appearance of your skin in time for summer.  Follow this link to the online store and read for yourself the benefits of this tasty tea http://bit.ly/1rHjauL

Monday, 2 June 2014

Naturally Does It

I use the Neal's Yard product range in my facial products as I believe that natural ingredients offer the most effective nourishment and protection for your skin.  Neal's Yard combine herbal science and university led research to bring you highly effective natural health & beauty products.

Below is a checklist of ingredients you should be looking out for in your beauty products alongside ingredients you would be best to avoid due to their potentially harmful side effects both long & short term.


Look for- cold pressed plant oils & butters
Avoid- mineral oil, liquid paraffin, petroleum, silicones

Look for- glycerin, sorbitol
Avoid- propylene glycol

Look for- hyaluronic acid, aloe vera
Avoid- retinol

Look for- essential oils
Avoid- triclosan

Look for- pure essential oils
Avoid- synthetic fragrance 'parfum'

Look for- tocopherol
Avoid- BHA, BHT

Look for- sorbic acid, potassium sorbate, benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, dehydroacetic acid
Avoid- parabens, DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea,
 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1, 3-diol

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Using Neal's Yard has worked for me

Like me, have you suffered with dry, flaky patches of skin on your face?  Do you cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise daily and still nothing improves your appearance?  On top of this, I started developing huge, angry breakouts and teenage spots.  What was going on?  I was even using a brand of skincare supposedly free of damaging, drying ingredients.  For once I took a company at it's word and hadn't bothered checking the list of ingredients prior to buying but taken the company on its ethical standing.  How wrong I was, on closer inspection, I found in the products I was using, ingredients that were indeed drying, damaging and possibly the cause of my angry, spotty areas too.  

I didn't want to buy any more, possibly expensive skin products, so I "borrowed" some of my Facial Therapy products from the Neal's Yard range to test.  To my surprise, after just 2 days, my skin started to look so much better, with no further angry breakouts and the areas of flakiness had begun to get smaller.  I'm still using the products on a daily basis and definitely see improvements in my skin health & appearance.  Obviously, switching to a more natural & organic product range has worked for me, a fact noticed by several friends who have commented on the fact my skin doesn't look as angry as before.  As a therapist, I now feel more confident in recommending these products to clients as, from personal experience, yes they do work.  From a personal level, I can face people, both professionally and socially, knowing that people aren't thinking "he's offering facial treatments & his own skin looks like that?"  

If you'd like to try the range yourself please feel free to read about the facial treatment below;
Now available, exclusively with myself at The Riverside, the NEW Rose & Frankincense Holistic Facial with The NYR Organic Skincare range

A rejuvenating facial experience using award winning anti-ageing products from the NYR Organic range, to nurture, firm & tone the skin, smoothing and reducing the appearance of fine lines.  Healing, & calming, rebalancing & clarifying.  All skin types will leave feeling nourished, enriched and more radiant.

1 hour treatment just £40

To book, email me at synergy_therapies@icloud.com or call/text 07794084666

Visit my NYR Organic online store http://bit.ly/1wNN13D

I hope to see you soon


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Drink more of the clear stuff! (And I don't mean vodka)

This is a question I always ask clients during a consultation as a lot of the time, what is ailing them, can be attributed, albeit partly, to the fact they aren't drinking enough water.

2 interesting facts;
  1. The body is roughly 70% water
  2. The brain can be made up of around 90% water!!!
If you feel thirsty, drink, as you are already showing the initial signs of dehydration.  The amount we each require varies from person to person, but if your pee isn't mostly clear, you need to increase your water intake.  If you don't like the taste of plain water add a slice of orange,lemon or lime, try some fresh mint leaves or even watermelon.  Avoid fruit cordials which are loaded with unhealthy sugars, chemicals and what have you.

10 benefits of drinking more water;

  • Increased energy, relief from tiredness, increases your focus & concentration
  • promotes weightloss - removes fat by products, fills you up so you eat less, raises the metabolism, and water has 0 calories
  • flushes out toxins - removes waste through sweat and urine, reduces risk of developing kidney stones
  • improves the skin, moisturises underlying tissues, softens the appearance of wrinkles
  • aids digestion - keeps you regular and helps the absorption of nutrients
  • gives your immune system a boost - drink water and you are less likely to get ill.  Reduces the risk of developing the flu and some forms of cancer
  • a natural headache remedy - relieve & prevent headaches which can be caused by the onset of dehydration
  • prevents cramping - correct hydration keeps joints lubricated and muscles more supple
  • mood enhancer - when the body is working well, you feel great too!!
  • Save ££££'s - it's 'free', cheaper than fizzy drinks, and no fat compared to your cholesterol filled latte
Make the change today and see the difference tomorrow

Monday, 28 April 2014

Skin Health for men

"Wow, I really feel pampered after that"

That was the positive reaction, the other day, from a first time male client to his facial treatment which his girlfriend had bought him for his birthday.

Once considered to be a treat reserved solely for the female of the species, male facial treatments, in the celebrity age and an image conscious world, are now very popular, with men now demanding a piece of the facial therapy action.

Addressing everything from razor burn, dry, flaky areas, breakouts, oiliness, a facial treatment will not only leave you feeling and looking healthier but can restore confidence in your appearance and help minimise the signs of ageing. In addition, through the manipulation of underlying facial tissues, stress held in the face is released, toxins are removed and muscles are released of unwelcome tension.

Neal's Yard Facial for Men;  Using organic, natural products that nourish & rebalance the skin, this treatment includes cleanse, exfoliation, masque, tone and moisturize to restore the health of your skin.  Included is a relaxing massage of the upper body & face to reduce tension and stress. 50 minutes £40

Deep Tissue Facial Conditioning;  targeting the lower levels of the skin, this treatment painlessly treats an array of facial conditions;dry, oily, problem, mature, each treatment is tailored to YOUR needs, to revitalize, and rejuvenate your face from the inside out.  The use of Hi-Frequency technology encourages the body's own collagen to replicate more efficiently, softening the appearance of fine lines, increased circulation improves tone and removes toxins from the face that can make a skin look dull and unhealthy.  Comedone extraction optional. Depending on skin type, treatment time is up to 60 minutes £40

A facial treatment could be just what you need to restore your skin to its former glory.  Please feel free to contact me at synergy_therapies@icloud.com, on twitter @synergymichael or mobile 07794084666

And as for that male client who was impressed with his treatment?  He rebooked for next month.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Curing your tension headache

We can all get them, and many of us do, and sometimes we are not able to get ourselves booked in for a massage or similar treatment to ease/release the tension & stress held in our bodies.

Below are a few simple solutions to get you through your day should a tension headache strike;

  • BREATHING OUT TENSION;  breathe slowly & deeply in through your nose and out through the mouth, taking deep, even breaths.  Repeat 3 times

  • SOOTHING DARKNESS;  Place your elbows shoulder width apart, on a table.  Slightly lean forward so that your hands support the weight of the head.  Find the most comfortable position.  Place your hands over your eyes to create total darkness.

  • HEAD HOLD;  Cradle your head on your hands so that the heels of your hands are resting on your temples and your fingers meet at the top of your head.  Exert as much pressure with your hands as feels comfortable. Hold for a minute.  Move your hands a little further back & repeat the hold.

  • SCALP LIFT;  Interlock your fingers & slowly press the palms of your hands inward against your scalp so that the skin starts to move between your fingers.  Move to another position and repeat as often as you like.

  • MASSAGING THE TEMPLES;  Place your hands against your temples.  With the heel of your hands or tips of fingers, make at least 10 circular movements, clockwise and anticlockwise.  Keep fingers on the skin and move it against the underlying soft tissue to soften & relax the muscles.

  • EYE CIRCLING;  Use 1 or 2 finger tips to stroke from the centre of the brow, along the eyebrows and around the tops of your cheeks, forming large circles around the eyes. Use only very light pressure so as not to drag the delicate skin around the eyes.

  • SCALP DESTRESSING;  Press firmly with 1 or 2 finger tips on the soft tissue either side of the cervical vertebrae at the back of your neck.  Start at the base and work up, holding for a few seconds before moving up the back of the neck.  Move along the base of the skull.  Move up, over the skull, around the ears to the temples, using pressure that is comfortable for you.
In some respects, many of the examples here form the basis of an Indian Head Massage, except you are working on yourself.  Mix and match these techniques to see what works for you.  A 30 minute Indian head Treatment with me is £25 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Fatless Sugarless Cake

Here is a recipe, given to me by my 103 yr old grandfather, for a healthy cake. It must be doing something right for him as he's still as fit as a fiddle!

6oz plain or brown flour
3 tsp baking powder
2oz ground almonds
2 tsp mixed spice
1lb mixed fruit
4oz dates & 4oz apricots
Rind of 1 orange
1/2 pint water
juice of one orange
1 egg (optional)

  • Soak all the fruit in all the liquid overnight
  • Add all the dry ingredients
  • Bake in a 2lb loaf tin for approx 1.5 hours at 160c covering for the last half an hour
Simples.  I admit I haven't had chance to try this so please let me know how you get on at synergy_therapies@icloud.com

Monday, 3 March 2014

Give your face a boost

 Revitalising Facial Therapy

Exclusively at Riverside Natural Health Centre, Trent Bridge

This versatile facial treatment can be customised to meet the needs of the individual, to treat a range of common skin conditions.

This treatment is an ideal stepping on point if you have promised to take looking after yourself more seriously and want to look good and feel great. 

 After a very varied summer of it being hot one day, freezing the next, and now as Autumn approaches and we all start to have that nightly debate "Do I put the central heating on for an hour" your skin can start to look dull and lifeless. Now is the time to take control and get your skin ready and looking its best in time for the Christmas party season (I'm sorry to have mentioned the "C" word)

The therapeutic benefits of a Revitalising Facial Treatment;

  • provides a deep cleanse of the skin and unblocks pores

  • soothes & calms a skin prone to angry looking breakouts or acne, redness is reduced

  • dry skin is rehydrated, whilst the texture appears and feels smoother to the touch

  • an oily, dull complexion, is rebalanced, revealing a brighter, healthier you

  • the natural, protective layer of the skin is reinforced, providing a greater protection against infection

  • The natural production of collagen within the skin is stimulated resulting in the softening of fine lines

  • your complexion will appear smoother, healthier & more vibrant
Each treatment session lasts up to an hour.  Optimum results can be achieved from having regular sessions, every 4-6 weeks is recommended. Available every Monday, Wednesday & Saturday by appointment

Revitalising Facial Therapy normally costs £45, but for the month of September, save £5, just £40!!  Treat yourself today and begin transforming your complexion.  Neal's Yard Organic products are used in this treatment to further nourish & protect your skin naturally.

Would you like to see what this treatment entails?  If you would, email on the address below, and I will video a short demonstration to put online.

To book, email Michael at synergy_therapies@icloud.com or contact Sue at The Riverside on 0115 986 4990

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Massage and the healing response

The majority of clients I see, leave the treatment room feeling much better than when they entered it, with the remainder probably feeling a little washed out and shell shocked.  What I always tell clients in this state, especially first timers, is that due to the amount of toxins, energy and so forth, that has been moved around the body, they may feel a bit groggy, dizzy or down right crap for a few hours, up to a day or so but not to worry, it will right itself, and can be a normal response to treatment.  Once termed a "healing crisis" (which sounds more shocking than it actually is) the term response tends to receive a less worried reaction.

Responses to treatments vary, and I always make clients aware.  Sometimes, they can be a wave of release, tears of joy, relief as pent up emotions burst free.  Sometimes clients can feel anxious or down hearted.  I sometimes feel, that first time clients, no matter how much you prep them before hand or after a treatment, take a bad healing response as the fault of the therapist (me) and maybe that's why they do not return.

Other responses are physical; going to the loo more often, headache, tiredness, dizziness, again not what you'd expect from a "feel good" treatment, and again can be off putting to first time clients no matter what you tell them about what may happen after treatment when they get home.

Bad responses are not the fault of the therapist, it's the client's body dealing with the effects of the treatment.  Usually they are short lived, a few hours up to 48 hours, and I will always stress this along with after care advice.  The good news is, clients who have a negative response, if they do return, find that each repeat treatment results in a lesser negative healing response, so that after 4-5 visits, this response has vanished.

The exact cause to a healing response is not exactly known, other than the body is cleansing itself, releasing blocked energies & emotions, removing toxins from the physical body.

Although initially perceived by the client to be a negative experience, the healing response is in effect, over the longer term, a hugely positive thing, in terms of physical, emotional and mental release, in cleansing & healing the body, making it stronger and more healthy.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The calming power of touch, massage & stress relief

In today's massively busy world, where we tend to find ourselves running from one place to another, feeling under pressure to meet deadlines, the demands of others, and to keep up to date with our social media, very few people make the conscious decision to just let go, switch off and say "enough is enough".

The effects of stress on the body are well documented, playing a part in an array of physiological, & psychological conditions.  Taking time out to rest and relax permits the body to reset itself, deal with the effects of adrenaline/fight or flight hormones within the body.  Long term stress, with a body constantly under bombardment from these hormones have hugely negative effects on the body.

The power of therapeutic touch is greatly underestimated.  First time clients who visit me are always amazed how fabulous a massage makes them feel and on so many different levels.  Regular clients are very clued up on this fact, and can't wait to get on the couch because they know how wonderful they are going to feel by the end of the treatment;Relaxed, refreshed, at peace.

Before, after, and sometimes even during a treatment, clients often open up about problems they are experiencing and start to release negative feelings, begin to feel motivated to change parts of their life eg lose some weight, go for that change in career etc, the focus shifts on looking at things as a stressful problem, but more positively as something that can be achieved, that they can look after their well being and cope better moving into the future.

Deep breathing before, during & after a treatment, has wonderful benefits for clients too, from improving blood flow, providing feelings of relief and release and breathing out negativity and bottled up emotions.

Massage treatments are available with me at Riverside Natural Health Centre, Trent Bridge, Nottingham with customer parking available.

30, 45, and 60 minute options are available.  Choose a back massage, leg massage, full body or even a seated Indian Head Massage, the decision is yours

For more details, feel free to email me at synergy_therapies@icloud.com or text/call 07794084666 or contact the Riverside direct on 0115 986 4990

I hope to see you soon


Thursday, 23 January 2014

Treatments & Prices for 2015

Apologies for the lateness, but here is the latest list of treatments available, prices and venues.

MASSAGE;  Michael will tailor the treatment to meet your needs and requirements, using his experience and various massage disciplines to create a treatment that will maximize results; whether you require time to switch off and relax, or need overly tight, muscles released from over exertion.  This type of Therapeutic/Remedial Massage is Michael's speciality.  The treatment will be explained to you prior to consent, and you will be encouraged to ask questions relating to the treatment.  All you have to do, is decide how long you'd like to be treated for;

30 minute massage £20
45 minute massage £30
60 minute massage £40

Indian Head Massage is available as 30 minute or 45 minute treatment

FACIAL THERAPY;  Everyone wants a great looking complexion, so why not you?  Suitable for all ages & genders, treating many common skin conditions.

Neal's Yard Organic Facial;  includes cleanse, exfoliation, masque, tone and moisturize.  Also included is a relaxing massage of the arms, neck, decollete/upper chest, and face using oils chosen prior to treatment.  50 minutes £40

Deep Tissue Facial Conditioning/Revitalising Facial Therapy;  targeting the lower levels of the skin, this treatment safely and painlessly treats an array of facial conditions;dry, oily, problem, mature, each treatment is tailored to YOUR needs, to revitalize, and rejuvenate your face from the inside out.  Comedone extraction optional. Depending on skin type, treatment time is up to 60 minutes - £40  

Hopi Ear Candles;  warm circulating air and a facial massage can help treat many sinus & ear conditions and is also a therapeutic way to relax. £25

Heel Peel;  Have excessive, cracked skin on your heels?  This treatment is a great way to condition the feet and get them looking tip top, painlessly and safely.  Wonderful if you like to wear sling back shoes/sandals/flip flops but are embarrassed due to how they look. Maybe you are a runner and constant hitting the ground has caused the skin on your heels to harden, crack & become painful.  This treatment will have you noticing an improvement from the first session.  2-3 monthly sessions are recommended to achieve optimum results. £20 per treatment. Upgrade and have a neck/shoulder massage whilst the treatment is working. £25

Michael is available Mon-Sat, midday onwards by appointment, at The Riverside Natural Health Centre, by Trent Bridge with free customer parking.

Contact Michael on 07794084666 or email synergy_therapies@icloud.com