Kale is out, seaweed is in. Seaweed's incredible profile of nutrients, skin-care benefits and it's potential for combatting climate change means it is very hot right now. Described as a miracle food due to its rich source of minerals, look out for Alaria Esculenta, a brown edible seaweed, which is harvested from the waters around the UK, which is a rich source of essential fatty acids and plant sterols. It also contains powerful antioxidants to fight environmental stress, whilst stimulating collagen and Hyaluronic Acid prduction to combat the effects of ageing. I have used seaweed based lotions for bodywraps in the past, and although you don't smell like Skegness sea front, they did leave a sticky residue to the skin, which, if I'm honest, did feel alot smoother than before the treatment. Watch this space, should I bring seaweed back?
Mindfulness and wellbeing will be huge in 2016 as we all try to combat with the ever increasing stress in our lives(allegedly). So are we all going to be wandering around in a state of hippy bliss a la Woodstock by Xmas? For a long time now, I've talked about how much better I feel now I've gotten back into regular Pilates classes and the physical benefits I've got from doing so, and urge clients to do the same, so they're preaching to the converted on this one.

Same too with mindfulness/meditation apps on your phone, we're on trend with these too as only the other week I posted about the Headspace/OMG I Can Meditate/Guided Mind apps I have been using. We're on the ball here.
We're all going to be too busy this year to spend ages having our hair done, muscles massaged, nails clipped etc spending hours at a salon or treatment centre so instead we are going to want it done at home or place of work, and only for 30 min! We're on trend here too, as I already offer 30 min treatments at offices around the city on select days (and always open to take more on if any of you are interested, then please get in touch), and The Wellbeing at home parties, where I bring my couch to your home for a gathering of up to 6 guests with 30 min treatments on offer. All these details can be found in the link at the top & bottom of this newsletter.
All things come and go out of fashion, and following this is a trend for oil based cleansing of the face making a come back. Imagine your granny's evening cold cream ritual to remove make-up and dirt, this modern version uses natural plant oils to gently cleanse the skin. The concept is based on the chemistry of "like dissolving like" with the product gripping dirt, make-up and oils to it like a magnet. Add some water and all is rinsed away leaving a clean, calm skin. Fans of it say that their skin doesn't feel tight or dry after cleansing and it doesn't disrupt the skins' natural oils or ph level. If I come across any products I like, I'll definitely be giving this a go.
Finally, the trend for activated charcoal as part of a skincare routine as the charcoal has the ability to detoxify and invigorate the skin as well as purifying it. In addition, as the trend spreads, toothbrushes, toothpastes are emerging, claiming to whiten the teeth if used regularly (a claim my dentist was dubious t acknowledge when I asked him), drinks and soaps too are on the market.

(Don't answer the door wearing this if you are expecting guests of an ethnic background, they might just take offence)

So what is the principal behind it? The charcoal has an increased surface area created by thousands of micropores created on its surface which allows it to adsorb more toxins and pollutants onto it's surface. This differs from absorption which is one substance mixing into another. To demonstrate the power of activated charcoal, 1 tsp has a surface area of 10,000 square feet.
So there you have it, the must see products/services for 2016. What do you think? Are you tempted by any of them? Am I? Get in touch and let me know your thoughts
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