Can I ask a huge favour this Monday morning? I've put myself up on Google maps as a means to generate more interest for my services. It would help me greatly if you could just spend a few moments to write me a review when you have the time. Go into Google Maps, search "Michael Bond Massage Therapist". My home location will come up (of which Google photographed it when the bin men were in the vicinity so everywhere looks in disarray), click on leave a review, give me some stars and type your comments saying whether you visited me at Riverside or at home. Thank you in advance

You know we all hear on the news and in the media how the NHS is strapped for cash and is at breaking point? The NHS could save millions, maybe billions by doing one simple thing; stop giving the general public drugs they don't actually need. I seriously feel that the population as a whole is being over diagnosed with the "condition du jour", being scared into thinking they need this or that drug because they apparently have a potential illness. And who benefits from these diagnoses? Not necessarily the patient but the multi national drug companies who pocket time and time again from scaremongering.
Case in point; My gp has been monitoring me since October for potentially harmful levels of cholesterol and saying that if this continues, I may be looking at having to take statins. The terrible side effects of statins, for me, far out weigh the potential benefits they are supposed to bring and I've told them this. Having done my own research, I have found that until a few years ago, my cholesterol levels were considered safe & healthy but the healthy level has since been reduced further dropping a larger number of NHS customers, because that is what we are, into the "harmful" category and these people now can be worried, made to feel scared that they are in harms way unless they start taking a load of drugs long term. Yes, I'm sure for some people with genuine high levels of cholesterol, a course of statins to lower their levels to a safe one, is beneficial but once that level is achieved, why are we not taken off these drugs? The cynic in me, and please send me your thoughts too on this, is that it is purely to make profits for drug companies.
My other half has been on statins and lots of other drugs for years with the side effects really making themselves felt now. Cholesterol levels are normal now but he is still told he needs to remain on them. Some of the other drugs D is prescribed each month on a repeat prescription do not agree with him, his gp has been informed yet still each month they are included in the prescription bag. I have cupboards full to bursting with unwanted NHS drugs. This is just one person. Imagine how many other people are receiving drugs they no longer need or have ever needed and then think how much this is costing us. With regard to my "high cholesterol" levels, the doctor was at a loss why, even though I was allegedly now at high risk, my chance of developing any form of heart disease was just 5%. I'm not saying there aren't any genuine cases out there, because there are, but I think we must question, if we are in doubt, what medical professionals are telling us instead of just popping pills willy nilly to the potential detriment to our health but to the benefit of drug corporations. Research on the internet, educate yourself with the facts etc
Apologies for the rant, it is a subject I feel very passionate about and I tend to go off on one
Until next week, stay safe
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