Tuesday, 20 December 2016


Are you planning on some walks in the countryside this holiday period?  are you an avid dog walker?  Without wanting to put the dampeners on everything, be aware of ticks and any bite marks on your skin after your walk.  There is an increasing trend of reported Lyme disease in this country that is caused by infected ticks and fleas.  If detected early on, recovery is quite simple, if left, long term complications can arise.
Two thirds of people who receive a bite from an infected flea/tick develop a raised red rash much like the bullseye of a dart board.  Other symptoms include flu like feelings, tiredness, muscle/joint pain, fever, stiff neck.  More serious symptoms develop weeks, months or even years later including arthritis, paralysis and other nervous system complications, heart problems and meningitis.

Check yourself or your pet after a walk in the woods, fields or park for any ticks attached to skin or fur.  If you feel any of the mentioned symptoms it is wise to get your gp to check you out.  Detection via a blood test may take several attempts over several weeks as the disease is initially undetactable in blood in the initial few weeks.  If you're found with the disease, antibiotics ar usually prescribed.  If you've left getting diagnosed for some time, it may be necessary to see a specialist in microbiology or infectious diseases.
Here are the NHS top tips to reduce your risk of catching Lyme disease.
  • keeping to footpaths and avoiding long grass when out walking
  • wearing appropriate clothing in tick-infested areas (a long-sleeved shirt and trousers tucked into your socks)
  • wearing light-coloured fabrics that may help you spot a tick on your clothes
  • using insect repellent on exposed skin
  • inspecting your skin for ticks, particularly at the end of the day, including your head, neck and skin folds (armpits, groin, and waistband) – remove any ticks you find promptly
  • checking your children's head and neck areas, including their scalp
  • making sure ticks are not brought home on your clothes
  • checking that pets do not bring ticks into your home in their fur
Now you're feeling all itchy & scratchy at the thought of ticks and fleas, I'll wish you a cheerful yuletide.

Monday, 12 December 2016


Good morning folks,
Are you or do you know someone who cannot sit still?  Do they constantly fiddle with their hands or shuffle their feet much to your annoyance?  We all know that sitting for long periods of time at a desk or on a long haul flight reduces the flow of blood to the legs, which may contribute to cardiovascular disease over time. New research now shows that fidgeting can be beneficial to our health.

A study set out to prove that a small amount of leg fidgeting could prevent a decline in leg vascular function caused by sitting for an extended period.  A sample of 11 young men and women were used, having their leg vascular function tested before & after 3 hours of sitting.  Whilst they were sitting they were encouraged to fidget one leg for a minute, either shuffling, tapping etc.  They then repeated this after a 4 minute rest.  The second leg remained still throughout.  When the researchers tested the subjects afterwards, they found that the active leg had increased blood flow whilst the other had reduced blood flow.  With such a small sample, the result was hardly conclusive but it does give food for thought.  In the real world, the researchers recommend tapping both legs to maximise the health benefits but also caution that fidgeting is not a substitute for walking & exercise which provide better overall cardiovascular benefits but if you are unable to take regular breaks to get up and stretch your legs and move about, then fidgeting is an alternative to consider.

Until next week, get fidgeting :)

Monday, 5 December 2016


Good morning folks,
Of late it seems that everytime I switch on a daytme magazine programme, at some point Turmeric Face Masks are mentioned.  I was dubious that such a thing existed but further investigation shows that they are real, with commercial ones available as well as recipes for homemade ones.

Have you ever used turmeric powder?  The smallest amount seems to stain everything so imagine if you put it on your face and it stained it good & proper.  You'd really look Tango'd or maybe an over zealous spray tan.  I may give it a try if I think I can get it off.  For starters though, here is some further reading poached from turmeric for health.com
Turmeric has long been known in the west as a spice that adds flavour and colour to Indian dishes or as an Ayurveda or Chinese medicine.
The popularity of turmeric is now spreading in the West too as a good way to improve skin health and for many other health problems.
In many parts of India, turmeric is an essential part of any beauty treatment. When applied to the skin as a paste or a face mask, it can help in treating acne, eczema, rosacea and aids in skin rejuvenation.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that turmeric possesses are both important in treating these skin conditions. In acne, using facial masks can soothe skin blemishes and heal acne scars.
For patients with eczema applying a facial mask can reduce inflammation and redness. When rosacea patients use turmeric masks, it can reduce the tiny pimples and redness that this skin condition causes.
Turmeric face masks are used to rejuvenate skin. Regular use of turmeric with various combination of ingredients can soften the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Turmeric Masks you can try at home

Some simple tips to follow before using any facial mask
Before applying a facial mask, your skin must be clean and fresh and free of all cosmetics,
lotions etc. Hence, start with a nice hot shower or steam bath.
Use mild shower gel or non-medicated and non-abrasive soaps. This will open up pores nicely and make the mask more effective.
Once you prepare your turmeric mask and applied it, lie down and close your eyes.
This is a time to relax and rejuvenate your skin and mind. To add to the relaxing experience, you can place a couple of chamomile tea bags (after use and cooled down), 2 cucumber slices or 2 cotton balls soaked in lavender or rose water on your eyes.
Relax for at least 20 minutes, giving your face mask sufficient time to dry and stiffen. Now, you can rinse with warm water, making sure to gently remove all remnants of your mask. Finally, splash on some cold water on your face and pat dry.
The following are some face masks using turmeric that can be used for different types of skin.

Basic turmeric mask

To make this basic turmeric mask, combine some honey, yoghurt or milk with a few tablespoons of turmeric in a bowl. Mix this until it forms a smooth paste and apply on freshly washed skin. Leave this mask on for at least 20 minutes before washing off.
Image result for turmeric facial before and after

Turmeric face mask for beautiful skin

Brides in India use a turmeric mask before the ceremony. This is sometimes part of the religious festivities in many Indian homes.
For this beauty mask, combine 2 teaspoons sandalwood powder, 2 teaspoons turmeric powder, ½ cup chickpea flour with a little almond oil or ghee. To this add water and make a paste.
Apply this mask and leave it until it dries and then wash off with water.

Let me know with photographic evidence if you give this a try
Til next week, take care

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Those of you who follow me on Facebook may have seen that over the weekend I had my first experience, for many of year, of sleepwalking and being semi-conscious of what I was doing.  I believe I'd had a bad dream and wanted to nip to the loo before going back to slip.  The bathroom is just next door but somehow I didn't get there and where I was I couldn't understand why the loo was missing, the urge to go got worse and worse until I peed where I was.  Don't remember anything then until getting up when the alarm went off, started going downstairs only to find I'd actually done it on the landing, over a load of dvds I'd knocked off a shelf(cracking the shelf too).  Imagine my shame, even the dog never does its business in the house!  I was also covered in scratches and bruises so god knows what else I'd done but can't recall.

So if you personally or you know someone who likes to go for a midnight wander, here's a bit more about it.

Sleepwalking, formally known as somnambulism, is a behaviour disorder that originates during deep sleep and results in walking or performing other complex behaviours while asleep. It is much more common in children than adults and is more likely to occur if a person is sleep deprived. Because a sleepwalker typically remains in deep sleep throughout the episode, he or she may be difficult to awaken and will probably not remember the sleepwalking incident.
The exact cause of sleepwalking is unknown, but it seems to run in families. You’re more likely to sleepwalk if other members of your close family have or had sleepwalking behaviours or night terrors.
The following things can trigger sleepwalking or make it worse:
  • not getting enough sleep
  • stress and anxiety
  • infection with a fever (especially in children)
  • drinking too much alcohol
  • taking recreational drugs 
  • certain types of medication, such as some sedatives
  • being startled by a sudden noise or touch, causing abrupt waking from deep sleep
  • waking up suddenly from deep sleep because you need to go to the toilet
(I can relate to 4 of the above that night, what a lethal cocktail waiting to happen)

Most sleepwalking episodes last less than 10 minutes, but can be longer. At the end of each episode, the person may wake up or they may return to bed and go to sleep. They won't normally have any memory of it in the morning or have patchy memory. If woken while sleepwalking, the person may feel confused and not remember what happened.
The best thing to do if you see someone sleepwalking is to make sure they are safe.
Gently guide them back to bed by reassuring them. If undisturbed, they will often go back to sleep again. Sometimes, gently waking the person after they have fully come out of the episode, before settling them back to sleep, will prevent another episode occurring from the same deep sleep cycle.
Don't shout or startle the person and don't try to physically restrain them unless they're in danger, as they may lash out.  Dave was blissfully unaware of any of this taking place as nothing has been said and I created the story of tripping up the stairs in my slippers whilst carrying mugs of tea to explain the damp patch on the landing.
There's no specific treatment for sleepwalking, but it generally helps to try to get enough sleep and have a regular and relaxing routine before bedtime.
The following advice may be helpful:
  • try to go to bed at a similar time each night
  • make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet when you go to sleep
  • limit drinks before bedtime, particularly those containing caffeine, and go to the toilet before going to sleep
  • find ways to relax before going to bed, such as having a warm bath, reading or deep breathing
Hopefully there won't be any repeat performances, I'll have to start wearing a nappy to bed!!

Til next week, take care
FITNESS PILATES;What's available?

With interest increasing, here are thee options currently available and where:

FP 1:2:1 sessions.  1 hour duration available at my home studio  or at The Riverside.  £30
FP+1  These are the same as 1:2:1 sessions but you can bring your +1.  Partner, best friend, it's up to you. The Riverside only.  £40
FP+Massage  A 40 minute FP session followed by a relaxing back massage.  75 minute treatment time in total.  The Riverside.  £45

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Like me, I'm sure you go through days where you literally feel like your head is going to explode as lots of little, niggly things start to build up in your head and wind you up the more you think about them.  Usually these things are hardly earth shattering or on a normal wouldn't warrant a second thought and would go over the top of your head but sometimes they are like a delicious poisonous cocktail to the that little chitter chattering little demon that sits on our shoulder doing his best to be heard, winding us up, causing self doubt, and stressing us out!

We've all heard about stress reducing techniques, using yoga & meditation, talking with friends to calm you down, but one of the best ways to release all the pent up frustration, stress & upset is to exercise!  Channelling all your negative emotions into an activity not only releases feel good endorphins into your brain, but your aggression will subside and you will sleep a heck of a lot better too.

So what kind of activity should you do to release your pent up emotions?  Firstly you should choose something that you can physically do for a prolonged period of time and suits your fitness level.  If you are a novice and decide to give advanced step a go, you may just make your stress even worse if you struggle to keep up with the rest of the class. A combat combat/boxing class may work for you, as you can envisage the source of your anger stress as you workout;  I would regularly envisage my partner in Body Combat if I had been seriously stressed out by some of his more irksome requests, and in my head, quite literally beat the stuffing out of him as I was exercising.  Very cathartic I must admit.  Above all though, whatever you decide to pursue, you have to choose something YOU ENJOY!

6 tips to exercise away tension;
  1. Take the time to exercise, at least 3 times a week if not daily if you have a hectic schedule. Exercising straight after work allows you to release the stresses of the day, allowing you to have a more restful evening.
  2. Choose something that matches your physical & mental needs.  Don't force yourself to do a team activity if you hate it or loathe competition in others as this will be counter productive.
  3. Mentally prepare; think what has pissed you off since your last exercise session, keep them with you as you begin your session; the mind will cleanse itself of the negativity as your go through your work out.
  4. Exercise duration; some people feel calmer after 10-20 minutes.  Personally, I need a good hour til I feel like I'm somewhere back to normal.  Do what feels right for you.
  5. Post exercise, enjoy the feeling of release, have a hot shower, breathe in the fab feelings flowing through you, imagine negativity being washed away by the water and steam.  Have a post workout hot beverage with friends, chat, gossip, laugh, you'll feel much better!
  6. After your session, get back on the life train with a better attitude and outlook.  Tension may start again at some point but the more you get into the exercise routine the more generally relaxed you will become.
So what are you waiting for?  Get out there and start ridding yourself of all that tension. Think of the secondary benefits of doing it; you will lose weight, look fitter, make friends, and feel wonderful!!

FITNESS PILATES;What's available?

With interest increasing, here are thee options currently available and where:

FP 1:2:1 sessions.  1 hour duration available at my home studio  or at The Riverside.  £35
FP+1  These are the same as 1:2:1 sessions but you can bring your +1.  Partner, best friend, it's up to you. The Riverside only.  £40
FP+Massage  A 40 minute FP session followed by a relaxing back massage.  75 minute treatment time in total.  The Riverside.  £45

All of the above can be purchased as gift ideas.  Get in touch to arrange a voucher

Details of small group 6 week courses in January coming soon!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


I don't know about you, but as soon as the weather turns colder and the central heating goes on, my skin's texture takes on that of very rough sand paper or even velcro!  Like alot of therapists I know, we never practice what we preach, never have a regular facial treatment or much of a skincare regimen.  I do try to moisturise twice a day where possible, if only to protect my skin a bit whilst dog walking and cycling.

I'm therefore going to give you the opportunity I never allow myself, facial treatment with a discount as an incentive to kick start your winter skincare routine. NB, the discounts apply to appointments taken at my home studio 

Relaxing Holistic Facial (up to 60 mins) £25, A SAVING OF £10
Incl; Cleanse, exfoliate, mask, relaxing face/neck massage

Skin Conditioning (up to 60 mins) £25, A SAVING OF £10
 Addresses problematic skin, (oily, dry, acne), to restore balance & vitality

Collagen Natural Lift Treatment
A gentle non-invasive anti-ageing treatment that tightens the skin, improves skin tone, softens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, producing a natural looking result. Includes mask and facial massage.
60 minutes £30 SAVING OF £10

Holistic Rejuvenating Facial Massage
Using a relaxing blend of essential oils to calm the mind and reduce stress.  The treatment includes the face, neck, decollete, and arms, to reduce the signs of age on the face, improve skin tone and softness, boost the skin's natural healing ability and to detoxify the facial tissues
30 minutes £25 SAVING £5

Collagen Lift Treatment and Rejuvenating Facial Massage are available at The Riverside too on Saturdays only.

Discounts apply until Friday December 23rd

Til next week

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Have you got a painful foot?

I seem to have been stalked by a particular medical condition all week, from people at the gym to clients on the couch, it's been crazy how many people have been suffering (and i don't use the word lightly as I've had it too and it's agonising) with Plantar Fasciitis.  I thought someone somewhere must be telling me something so I think it's prudent of me to reacquaint myself and you  with this painful condition.
Most cases of heel pain are caused when a band of tissue in the foot, known as the plantar fascia, becomes damaged and thickens.
Plantar fasciitis is the medical term for the thickening of the plantar fascia which is a tough and flexible band of tissue that runs under the sole of the foot. It connects the heel bone with the bones of the foot, and acts as a kind of shock absorber to the foot.
Sudden damage, or damage that occurs over many months or years, can cause tiny tears (microtears) to develop inside the tissue of the plantar fascia. This can cause the plantar fascia to thicken, resulting in heel pain.
The surrounding tissue and the heel bone can also sometimes become inflamed.

There is little that your gp can do unless there is a tingling or numbness in the foot, you're running a high temperature and if the the foot is stiff or swollen, these all point to some other condition that needs treatment.
There are a number of treatments that can help relieve heel pain and speed up your recovery. These include:
  • resting your heel – avoiding walking long distances and standing for long periods
  • regular stretching – stretching your calf muscles and plantar fascia
  • pain relief – using an icepack on the affected heel and taking paracetamol
  • wearing well fitted shoes that support and cushion your feet
  • using supportive devices – (rigid supports that are put inside the shoe) or strapping
Although not much comfort, PF normally clears up of it's own accord, from a few weeks to a few months.  If you'd like to receive a sheet with some key FP stretching exercises then email me and I can send one out to you.

Til next week


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Tummy massage for detox & constipation

As a therapist you find yourself having to adapt to the needs of a client on a regular basis as well as having to be quick thinking, the latter being something I have gotten better at as the years have gone by.  Not that I was slow or dim witted I'll have you know but rather not noticing a window of opportunity then kicking myself afterwards.

So this was the case the other day when a client came in for massage.  Normally she'll lie on her stomach quite happily and allow me to work on her back but this particular day she was restless and couldn't seem to get comfy.  I enquired if anything was wrong and she said she was feeling really bloated & uncomfortable and hadn't been to the loo for several days.  It turned out she'd been stuck at her desk for days, doing no exercise, drinking loads of coffee instead of her usual water in order to make a deadline.  I offered that I could possibly help and asked a few more questions regarding her health, then, when satisfied all was ok, got her to lie on her back and performed a slow tummy massage for her.  Without going into detail, it was obvious she was severely "backed up" when I began tracing the colon.  The massage lasted about 15 minutes and she said it was one of the weirdest yet pleasant experiences she'd ever had.  I gave some aftercasre advice that included trying to get some water back into her diet as well as taking regular breaks just to have a little walk around.

The next morning I got a text from her, simply reading "I've been.  Thank you so much"

So have you ever had a tummy massage to relieve constipation or bloating or do you just reach immediately for the medication?

Here's what it can do for you;
  • reduces the need for longterm laxative medication which over time loses its effectiveness
  • relieves pain caused from trapped wind and/or constipation
  • reduces the need of having enemas or colonic irrigation
  • is also an aid to weightloss
  • removes stagnant toxins from the colonic tract that can cause you to feel ill, sluggish etc
  • if you're on a detox, tummy massage can help remove more toxins from your body.
However some conditions are not suitable for tummy massage
  • bowel obstructions
  • inflammatory bowel conditions such as IBS, Crohn's, Colitis
  • spastic colon
  • spinal injury
  • recent scarring or abdominal surgery
  • any type of hernia
  • pregnancy
So there you have it, next time you feel like your insides are going to explode like something from Alien, think of me and consider a a stand alone tummy massage to relieve your symptoms or even better, incorporate it into your normal regular massage sessions to maintain a healthy colon and regular poo poos.  With Xmas/New Year coming up, alot of us end up looking and feeling like a bouncy castle so this is another option for you to try.

Til next week

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Getting to know your heart chakra

You may recall many moons ago, I did a weekly run down on the chakras of the body, where they were, what they were connected too etc.  After treating a client the other day, the experience reignited my interest and that's what I'd like to share today, as it really is a fascinating subject.

The client was in a very dark place emotionally, with a long history of depression, anxiety, low self esteem among other things.  I've seen her several times before and always do my best to alleviate, if only for a short time, some of these negative feelings.  This particular day, rather than trying to specifically release her tightened shoulder & neck muscles, I decided to perform a relaxing, flowing, soothing treatment to give her mind peace and the opportunity to release negativity.

I had only placed my hands on her back when the area where the heart chakra would be immediately turned an angry red and became hot and remained so throughout the treatment.  Afterwards, she had a good old cry which she felt she needed.  I explained the heart chakra to her and how hers had shown itself to me as it were, so massage not just for physical ills, but emotional ones as well.  Read on to learn abut the heart chakra, poached from chopra.com and modified for length.
The fourth chakra is at the centre of the seven chakras with three below and three above. This is the area where physical and spiritual meet. The fourth chakra, also referred to as the heart chakra, is located at the centre of the chest and includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs, and breasts. It also rules the lymphatic system. The Sanskrit word for the fourth chakra isAnahata, which means “unstruck” or “unhurt.” The name implies that beneath the hurts and grievances of past experiences lies a pure and spiritual place where no hurt exists.                                     
When your heart chakra is open, you are flowing with love and compassion, you are quick to forgive, and you accept others and yourself. A closed heart chakra can give way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others.
The best way to receive love is to give it. Author and motivational speaker, Leo Buscaglia, used to teach that we should give and receive 12 hugs a day for optimal health. So give hugs and kisses. Other ways you can give love:
  • Smile at everyone you see daily, even if you don’t feel like smiling. It’s contagious.
  • Forgive and move on. Life is too short to hold grudges.
  • Give friends, family and co-workers positive affirmations and feedback.
  • Try to go one day a week without criticizing anyone or anything, including yourself.
Take any opportunity you can to foster love and loving feelings. Love is a currency and whatever you give will come back to you.
Any yoga pose that opens the area of the chest will help to balance the heart chakra. Some poses include camel, standing bow pose, and cow face pose.
The mantra sound corresponding to the fourth chakra is the sound YUM. A special mantra to help expand love and compassion is OM MANI PADME HUM. You can repeat this mantra in meditation to gain greater access to these qualities.
The colour is emerald green and the gemstones associated with the heart are emerald, malachite, jade, and rose quartz.

Til next week

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Why remain stressed when you can try this?

So NHS staff are in the news again, high levels of stress are causing them to take more and longer periods of time off work to recover leaving our hospitals understaffed, causing the remaining staff to become more stressed, and agency staff who are brought in to cover the gap in staff appear to be paid more which is putting a stress on cash available to the NHS to pay for treatments, research etc and on and on it goes like a nightmare.  I'm sure this situation isn't just limited to our medical professionals.  I'm sure you could quote a similar situation close to home too.  Having worked at Boots for many years, this scenario seems all too familiar in many respects.  Look at how stress affects us;

Trying not to take a too simplistic view, wouldn't reducing our stress levels, or learning to manage it better in the very first make alot of sense?  Rather than addressing it and not allowing it to spiral out of control, we tend to belittle things in this country, say we don't have the time, sweep it under the carpet, say treatments are too expensive, battle on with the old Dunkirk Spirit, dismiss it as being a normal state of being' until your head implodes, you breakdown, however you wish to describe it, something snaps and the cost of getting you well is many times more than if you'd taken steps yourself to enable you to continue to function in a healthy state.

If I was to say, why aren't you having regular massages, 9 times out of 10 people will quote at least 1  of the excuses above, I'd bet money on it.  We just don't place a high enough value on our own health in this country.  People think nothing of spending several hundred quid a week on take out designer coffee to enable them to get through a stress inducing job (ironic since copious amounts of it causes  the nervous system to become over stimulated, blood pressure to rise as the heart beats more.....ooh yes drink yourself to even poorer health that really works but people do) but again ask them if they have regular treatments that will help them manage their stress.....BOOM, excuse after excuse.  Stop one coffee a day over the week, and you could afford to have that treatment that could make the difference  to your physical and mental health it really is that simple.

So here's the deal, a double whammy,  2 things to help you manage your stress levels in one little package.  I'm combining a gentle yet effective Fitness Pilates session with a deeply relaxing & soothing back massage, 2 ways to help your mind, body rest, relax, rejuvenate and reinvigorate.

Each treatment lasts 75mins, beginning with Pilates & ending with Massage.  Pilates to work and warm up the muscles, release tension, improve the mobility and flexibility of muscles meaning that when the massage starts, you're already warm, so the massage will be even more effective at alleviating stress, tension, held in tightness.  Doesn't missing having one take out drink less sound worth it when your body is going to receive this amount of TLC that it so richly deserves?

Paying for 3 monthly sessions in advance works out more cost effective too, costing £120 whereas a single session is £45.  Pilates, Massage, tension relief, stress reduced, improved sleep, increased flexibility, improved immune system, lower blood pressure, all this and more, aren't you worth it?

Vouchers are also available for Xmas if you know of someone who would value such an amazingly therapeutic experience.  Email me synergy_therapies@icloud.com or contact my mobile 07794084666 to experience this stress reducing holistic experience yourself and embark on a path of wellbeing and mindfulness as we move into 2017.

Til next week

Wednesday, 12 October 2016


Good morning folks,
I'm all heart today or rather heart health (some would say I'm heartless but that's another tale) as I take a look at high blood pressure.

Once thought of as a middle-aged man's disease, high blood pressure is increasingly becoming more evident amongst the younger population especially women.

Fatty diets, high intake of salt from processed foods, binge drinking, stress, smoking and lack of exercise are all factors that can lead to the development of high blood pressure.

So what is it?  Blood is pumped around the body by the heart as we all know.  As blood moves along the arteries, pressure is exerted along the artery wall.  In healthy individuals, these walls are flexible and allow blood to pass through easily.  If your blood pressure is high, this causes the artery walls to be less flexible and cause pressure to build along them.  Severe cases can lead to heart attack or strokes.  High levels of bad cholesterols in the arteries can cause blockages which can also lead to arterial problems and heart complaints.  If you suspect you have high blood pressure, consult your gp before embarking on any exercise regimen or trying any herbal remedies.

A balanced diet, regular exercise can help alleviate the pressures on the artery walls,  but so too can some traditional herbal remedies.  Plant extracts help reduce blood pressure in the following ways; firstly, they can thin the blood allowing it to flow easier through contracted arteries.  Secondly, in conjunction with a healthier diet, they can help reduce cholesterol in the blood, and finally they act as an antioxidant, inhibiting the formation of plaque in the arteries.

Here are the best herbs that are believed to help reduce high blood pressure;

Turmeric;  A bright orange herb commonly used in Indian cuisine, and is a relative of ginger.  Can be found dried or as a tincture.  The herb's active antioxidant lowers blood fats & cholesterol and help prevent blood clot formation.  Also strengthens the arterial walls.

Garlic;  Not only good to fend off vampires, but exellent for your heart too.  Garlic lowers blood pressure, reduces blood stickiness and lowers cholesterol, as well as dissolving blood clots.  Many experts believe the tiny odour free garlic pearls to be less effective in their abilities.

Hawthorn;  available as a tincture, this herb regulates blood pressure, both strengthening and balancing the circulation and heart itself.  It dilates blood vessels to help prevent heart disease, especially coronary arteries.

Rosemary;  The oils and flavonoids found in this aromatic herb help inhibit free radical damage to the arterial walls thereby reducing blood pressure.  Circulation is strengthened and improved.  Rosemary tea is a pleasant heart tonic.  The herb is also good for reducing stress & anxiety, a risk factor to high blood pressure.

Shitake;  This oriental mushroom has many therapeutic benefits.  It can lower cholesterol by up to 15%.  It's active antioxidants inhibit the formation of plaque along the arterial walls.

Here is yummy warming soup including ingredients to protect your heart;

Sweet Potato & onion soup

Onions have also been shown to help lower blood pressure

You will need;
  • 1kg sweet potatoes
  • 2 sliced large onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 2 diced carrots
  • 1 teaspoon of oil(olive or coconut)
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 litre vegetable stock
  • 225ml natural yoghurt
Gently fry the onions in the oil until they are soft and transluscent, do not burn. Add the chopped sweet potatoes, garlic, turmeric and carrots, and saute for several minutes.

Add the vegetable stock an bring to the boil.

Simmer for 25-30 mins, until the vegetables are nicely tender.

Blend the mixture in a liquidiser or use a hand blender

Bring back to a boil before adding the yoghurt.

Stir well & serve.

Til next week

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Good morning folks,

Are you finding the darker mornings and evenings are making you more sleepy or is it me?  Recently I've been able to sit down with the tv on, particularly after eating and BOOM, the next thing I know the show I was watching has ended and there's saliva dribbling down my chin.  Or is it because my day starts at 4.30 to let Xena out and ends about 11pm when I go to bed.  All my efforts to try and get to bed earlier always fail no matter how hard I try so is taking a "nana nap" in the day really a bad thing?  I've included an article from dailyburn.com about how much sleep we should be having, see how you measure up, I think, after reading it, I'm doomed!!  Apologies for the American spelling


 That old wisdom about getting a solid eight hours of sleep per night? Not exactly true. In fact, the amount of sleep you need is totally unique to you — and may not necessarily be 8 straight hours. According to a wide variety of studies, the average optimal amount of sleep across the whole population is actually closer to seven hours nightly.

Generally speaking, the proper amount of sleep is the amount that allows the individual to wake refreshed and to remain alert throughout the day without the need for caffeine or other stimulants,” says Dr. Nathaniel Watson, a leading sleep expert. "At the moment we recommend seven to nine hours per night"
Studies provide a range of much more colorful answers, though. One frequently cited 20 year study completed in 2002 analyzed self-reported sleep logs and found that those individuals who were asleep for seven hours per night lived longer than those who slept eight hours or more. Of course, correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation. According to Dr. Watson, “Long sleep may be a surrogate marker of poor health.” In other words, study subjects’ poor health may be what’s causing their excessive bedtime routine, not vice versa.
Another more recent study, which focused on cognitive abilities in women 70 or older, reached a familiar conclusion: Sleeping nine hours or more was just as harmful as sleeping five or less. A study of a broader section of the population, based on data from Luminosity, also found that cognitive performance peaked at about seven hours — but dropped off more slowly after seven hours than the former research suggests.
Similarly, scientists have found that for troubled sleepers (including some elderly populations and those suffering from insomnia), it can make sense to restrict sleep to less than seven-and-a-half hours per night. “Conversely, spending excessive time in bed can elicit daytime lethargy and exacerbate sleep fragmentation,” they state.

All that said, it’s still hard to generalize the optimal amount of zzz’s. “It’s important we note that no study will tell an individual exactly how much sleep they personally need — we can’t take these studies and make individual recommendations,” says Dr. Watson. Keep in mind that much of the scientific research involved self-reported data, considered narrow populations or examined sleep patterns of those with known sleep disorders like insomnia.
Dr. Watson suggests using an upcoming vacation to figure out the correct amount of sleep for you. “Try going to bed around the same time each night and waking up without an alarm clock for several days.” After a week of regular bedtimes and unlimited sleeping in, you should land on your ideal amount of sleep, which is likely to fall in the seven to nine hour range. (It’s important to keep in mind that this kind of sleep experimentation doesn’t necessarily work on a weekend. Dr. Watson points out, “The first few nights … you may sleep eight to nine hours if you’ve been extra tired or sleep deprived from the week.”)
However, if you’re a long snoozer (and you don’t experience insomnia or any other bedtime disorders), you shouldn’t stress the potential negatives of over-sleeping. “I would not recommend that anyone achieving eight or nine hours of sleep reduce the amount they’re currently getting,” warns Dr. Watson, especially if you’re functioning well throughout the day with lots of energy and little lethargy.

Athletes who put high demands on their bodies should also tune in closely. Active individuals will need more sleep since functions like tissue repair and protein synthesis(key to restoring the body after a taxing workout) mostly take place during sleep.
Wishing you needed less time out cold? Unfortunately, your bedtime necessities are hard to change. “There is no way to decrease the amount of sleep you need – this is largely determined by genetics,” says Dr. Watson. If you feel the most on your game after eight and a half hours of sleep, that’s just the reality.
The best way to get the most out of your sleep — especially important when it comes to recovery and training — is to simply get better sleep. Avoid alcohol whenever possible as it can throw off your routine hours. Also try to steer clear of caffeine or other sleep-disrupting meds at least six hours before your head plans to hit the pillow. Lastly, know that sticking to a regular sleep-wake schedule is the best way to avoid feeling sluggish.

Til next week

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

First class launches with more to follow

Ok, as promised here's the FP latest.  This Wednesday is the free trial class which was full in just under an hour of announcing the day and time, which was very nice to see.  The 1st 6 week block will start on Wednesday October 12 at The Riverside and run weekly until Nov 16th.  Price will be £30 for the block to be paid in full up front.  Cash, cheque, paypal etc all gratefully accepted or contact me for details of a bank transfer.  Leading up to Xmas, I think a more flexible approach of pay per session to allow participants more freedom to fit in shopping, work parties and the like before a new block starts in January.  Participants would need to book in advance for these stand alone classes
Fitness Pilates is a complimentary class aimed at all levels, ages and abilities. It is general level incorporating  basic Pilates techniques and exercises in a non intimidating and easy to follow way.

Also for January, I've been toying with a weekly, more dynamic yet low impact, interval based FP session to fit in with all our new years resolutions to get fit and lose weight.  It's more likely to run on a Monday evening, keep your ears and eyes open for more developments.

If you have any questions or would like more info, then please don't hesitate to contact me via the usual channels.

For those of you amongst you who like to be super organised and spread the cost of Xmas and time preparing for it over a longer time, please take a look at my Neal's Yard online store, where there are some great gift sets available as well as various offers on selected bath & skincare lines.  The link will take you safely to the store. http://uk.nyrorganic.com/shop/jamesmichaelbond

And last but by no means least, regardless of my talk of Fitness Pilates and Neal's Yard, I am indeed still available for Massage, Facial Treatments & Hopi Ear Candles as normal.

Til next week

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Fitness Pilates is here

Good morning folks,

Well, by whatever higher power was in my corner last weekend, I did indeed pass this course so am on track to be able to deliver this at The Riverside in the very near future.  I have a test group lined up to go through the logistics of being in the big Room 2 and to allow me to get used to the exercises in the clinical setting.  Sessions when they go live will be catered for a maximum of 4-5 persons.  Interest has been very high so it'll be a case of book on quick or lose out.  Just need to finalise days and times with Riverside then I can get the paypal payment system up and running or pay by card when you see me when I have my payment machine with me.

Here is a bit more about Fitness Pilates, shamelessly poached from the website
What is Fitness Pilates 
Fitness Pilates is a modern, research based group fitness class created for the apparently healthy adult. It is neither remedial, clinical nor is it designed for rehabilitation. Fitness Pilates utilises all of the principals and includes many of the mat work exercises in traditional Pilates, but offers modifications, diversifications and updated exercise prescription to provide a controlled body conditioning program appropriate for the general public.

Fitness Pilates is a complimentary class aimed at all levels, ages and abilities. It is general level incorporating  basic Pilates techniques and exercises in a non intimidating and easy to follow way.

If you have any questions or would like more info, then please don't hesitate to contact me via the usual channels.

Til next week

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


Just a short one this week, as I've been busy with funerals, Fitness Pilates training and getting caught up with all the Paralympics and US Open Tennis on tv.  Just to let you know that there will be no appointments this coming Saturday as I'm away at a fitness event in Saturday....so by Sunday I may be taking to my bed, sore & broken and in need of massage therapy myself.

Depending on how the FP pans out(eg if I pass it) I'll be popping up more details asap.

We've all over indulged on spicy curries I'm sure and still been able to taste the spices the next day, or been stuck in a crowded lift, bus or train with the all consuming smell of garlic leeching out of someone's pores making you want to gasp for air, but did you realise how beneficial garlic is to our health?  
Garlic is such a wonderfully versatile food and is part of a family of foods that include onions, shallots & leeks.

It is widely recognised now the health benefits of garlic in promoting the well being of the immune system, the heart, and its antioxidant properties in maintaining a good circulatory system.  Garlic also stimulates our natural immune system by enhancing the cells vital to fighting infection & disease.  Studies also suggest that garlic can help lower our levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Garlic contains geranium, known as an anti cancer agent, and has been shown to retard the growth of tumors  in human test subjects.  If you suffer with high or low blood pressure, Garlic can help balance out these extremes. In addition, it stimulates the production of substances in the arterial walls of blood vessels, that causes them to relax, which helps prevent arteriosclerosis so reducing the risk of heart attacks & strokes.  Prevention of this condition can also help males suffering with erectile dysfunction & impotence due to the improved level of blood circulation through the body.

Garlic also helps regulate blood sugar levels and is ideal for ridding the body of parasites in the gut.  Garlic is also packed with protein, potassium, Vitamin A, B, B2, C, calcium & zinc.  Garlic aids in the process of removal of harmful free radicals in the body and also increases the production of bile to help reduce fats in the liver.

Until next week, stay safe

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Drink lemon water to improve your health

What drink is stupidly cheap to make, keeps skin glowing, aids in digestion, can help you lose weight and is packed with vitamin C? No not some sugar laden squash from the pound shop but something far more natural.  Lemon water.  Squeeze the juice of 1  lemon into your favourite type of water, and boom you're sorted.  So simple.

While those in the know have been gulping down citrus-flavoured water for ages, some lemon water benefits have just begun making the rounds on the health and fitness circuit in recent months. But is it really all true or just a load of old rubbish?

Lemons are loaded with vitamin C, potassium, magnesium & copper but there are 5 benefits to drinking them that you might not be familiar with.

Aids in digestion and detoxification

Because lemon juice’s atomic structure is similar to the digestive juices found in the stomach, it tricks the liver into producing bile, which helps keep food moving through your body and gastrointestinal tract smoothly. Lemon water also helps relieve indigestion or ease an upset stomach.
The acids found in lemon juice also encourage your body to process the healthy nutrients in your food far more slowly. This extended absorption time means insulin levels remain steady and you get more nutrients out of the foods you eat which means less bloating. Lemon water benefits the enzyme functions in your body, stimulating the liver and flushing out toxins. Because it’s a mild diuretic, you might find yourself needing a wee more often which also gets rid of unwanted toxins. All of this helps detox body & skin.

You'll also have a bumper supply of Vitamin C, good to fend off coughs and sneezes as it helps strengthen our autoimmune system.  The high levels of Vitamin C also help fight free radicals leading to a clearer skin, improved collagen production leading to a a smoothing out of fine lines and wrinkles.

Regularly sipping on lemon water can help you shed those unwanted pounds. That’s because lemons contain pectin, a form of fibre found in fruits.  Pectin helps you feel fuller for longer making you less likely to snack on less than ideal foods. Lemon water helps your body stay hydrated, improving your mood & concentration.
Try and avoid that early morning caffeine hit from something from Starbucks, lemon water can give energy levels a boost  without the caffeine crash.
Additionally, just the scent of a lemon has been found to reduce a person's stress levels and improve feelings of happiness and well-being.

Let me know how you get on

Until next week, stay safe

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

What is a knot?

Here is a question I've been asked often of late

Basically a knot is position on muscle fibre that has repeatedly been over contracting  due to bad posture, faulty biomechanics or overuse.  Healthy muscle fibres should move across each other like sheets of silk or satin.  Stress, and chronic dehydration can also cause muscles to become knotty as the fibres lose their inherent flexibility and mobility.  The knot forms on the overly tense muscle causing pain & discomfort, blocking blood flow to the area and the removal of waste products from surrounding tissues and cells, causing these to back up, like an accident on a busy road with cars stuck behind it.

Knots are very common but that doesn't mean they are harmless or normal.  Chronic stress can lead to micro tearing of muscle fibres causing scar tissue.  If left untreated, the muscles fibres continue to lose their elasticity causing, yes you guessed it, even more knots.  That's why I also recommend regular massage treatments to maintain, literally, YOUR good health, flexibility and range of movement.  

Until next week, stay safe

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Try these foods to reduce stress

Therapeutic, relaxing or deep tissue massage, skin treatments to address ageing, problematic complexions, hopi ear candles, Relaxology, corporate massage and wellbeing at home events and more. For all treatments details and prices, please visit my blog by following this link http://bit.ly/1tk17xQ 
Good morning folks,

Just a few points to bring up this week.  I've made a few changes to my treatment blog, one or 2 things have been removed or altered including availability times.  To be up to date, I invite you to visit the page via the link beneath the logo (the bitly one)

With the C word hovering in the ether (and I've already seen shops and restaurants reminding us to book Xmas lunches etc), may I refresh your memories that I offer my services at small gatherings eg family get together, "pamper" parties, a max of 4-6 people within the city boundary ONLY.  So if you're thinking of having a few friends round, consider having a massage therapist in your conservatory to add something different to your proceedings.  Again, the details are via the link below the logo.

I make my apologies in advance, but please be aware that if you have an appointment already booked with me over the next 2 weeks, I may have to contact you and reschedule.  Unfortunately, my grandfather died in the early hours of Thursday morning at the age of 105 (would've been 106 in Oct) and at the time of writing (Friday), I have yet to receive word of the date and time of the funeral.  I hope you understand if I have to reschedule you.



How foods can relieve stress

Stress can cause headaches, insomnia and anxiety, but but by eating certain foods, the effects can be reduced or relieved.

Anti stress B vitamins;  Stress puts a lot of pressure on the fight or flight hormone, Adrenaline, but B vitamins support their function and help reduce stress levels.  Primarily vitamin B5 & B6, which can be found in wholegrains, dairy, liver, dark leafy vegetables, shellfish, wholegrains & soya beans.

Antioxidants;  these fight the free radicals created by high levels of stress in the body that have been shown to cause premature ageing, cellular damage and mental impairment. Vitamin E found in nuts & seeds, Selenium in shellfish, wholegrains and nuts, Zinc in oysters, ginger & seeds, Vitamin A and Carotene found in fish oils, egg yolk, orange/yellow fruit and veg.

Vitamin C;  is essential for peak adrenal gland performance & is also a good antioxidant.  Eat more Vitamin C rich foods when stressed, as the body requires more of it during these periods and the body cannot store Vitamin C within itself. Fruit, vegetables, berries, tomatoes.

Magnesium, calcium, potassium;  Magnesium & calcium both become depleted during stressful periods.  Increasing their intake will help with insomnia, tiredness, restlessness, irritability and mental fatigue. Magnesium - wheatgerm, wholegrains & nuts. Calcium - dairy produce, green leafy veg, can induce a calming effect. Potassium - celery, avocado ward off mental confusion & depression.

Chromium & slow release carbs;  Following the adrenaline rush brought on by stress, the body then goes through an energy slump.  To help combat this eat complex carbs such as wholegrains, beans, lentils as these release energy gradually and aid in the mood boosting hormone serotonin.  Chromium found in yeast, wholegrain bread, potatoes, chicken, lamb, green peppers, balances out blood sugar levels.

Common stress busting foods!
  • Banana - rich in potassium and carbs, are perfect for keeping energy levels high and stress levels low.
  • Tomatoes; rich in vitamin C, beta carotene and potassium.  Also contain lycopene which is thought to help protect from cancer.
  • Chicken - chromium balances blood sugar levels
  • Eggs - boost levels of vitamin B and chromium
  • Pumpkin - Source of Vitamin A and beta carotene, a good antioxidant.
  • Potatoes & Lentils - complex carbohydrate slowly releases its energy and helps in the production of serotonin.
  • Cherries - great source of Vitamin c to ward off free radicals.
  • Salmon - an oily fish, is a good source of vitamins A & B.
  • Cauliflower - Vitamin C & potassium, both are depleted by stressful episodes.
  • Peas - good source of Vitamin B
  • Broccoli - Good source of Vitamin A & potassium for healthy nerves

Until next week, stay safe

My Blog
My Blog
How many times have I heard this? :)
Coming soon; Fitness Pilates utilises all of the principals and includes many of the mat work exercises in traditional Pilates, but offers modifications, diversifications and updated exercise prescription to provide a controlled body conditioning program appropriate for the general public. This program will complement the benefits of regular massage treatments and can be introduced into a treatment proper.

 1 to 1 sessions and small group training.

 For more info or to express an interest, call or text me 07794084666
Copyright © 2016 Synergy Therapies, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2 Glaramara Close

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Monday, 15 August 2016



For the majority of Brits, the quick answer to this is "NO".
Unlike other countries, where massage is viewed as an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, the UK lags behind in its attitude towards this beneficial therapy.  Too often it is looked upon as something dodgy, sexual or a pampering treat.  If your view happens to be one of those, you are missing out on so many good things in your life that regular massage could bring to it, benefits such as improved moods, boosted metabolism and immune system.

Whether you need to benefit from relaxation, a reduction in muscle tension or to attain relief from a chronic, painful condition, a therapeutic massage can enhance an individuals overall sense of well being both emotional & physical, improving the quality of life.

Massage is for all ages, benefits the ill, the injured and the stressed, below is a chart of a variety of conditions that benefit from this therapy

Anxiety and depressionAsthma and Emphysema
Back, leg, and neck painCancer
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive strain)Chronic Fatigue syndrome
Fractures and edemaGastrointestinal disorders
HeadachesInflammatory conditions such as arthritis and bursitis
InsomniaKyphosis and Scoliosis
Multiple sclerosisParkinson’s disease
Muscle tension and spasmPalliative care
Post-surgical rehabilitationPregnancy and labour support
Sports injuriesStrains and sprains
Stress and stress related conditionsStroke

Massage should be an essential part of your health plan, regardless of if you are an active person or sedentary, by providing the body with the following health benefits;
  • pain reduction or elimination, improvement of joint mobility, reduction of muscle tension.  Muscle tissue is very clever, it can adapt to injuries to continue to function though at a reduced capacity.  How many of us get a niggly twinge in area where we had an issue months, even years before. This is because when your injury was healing, scar tissue & damaging adhesions formed, both of which reduce performance, flexibilty and produce discomfort and pain.  Massage can help break down adhesions and scar tissue thereby increasing flexibility, increasing strength due to the increase of oxygen through improved blood flow to the area.

  • increased circulation, boost to the flow of lymphatic vessels lead to an improvement of your immune system, so you look and feel healthier due to the amount of toxins within the body being flushed out of the system.

  • reduction in stress levels, anxiety and feelings of depression by acting upon the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  Cortisol also enables the body to store fat cells in & around the abdomen, allowing fat cells to mature and grow larger.  The enzyme fat cells produce leads to the production of more cortisol that leads to the storage of more fat internally.  Therefore, an indirect benefit of regular massage, could be a reduction of fat cells/weight due to the treatment acting on the cortisol levels in the body.  In addition, massage can reduce cellulite by working upon the subcutaneous fat stores.  Massage places your body in a relaxed state that enables the body to reduce stress and in turn take the opportunity to begin repair of neglected parts of itself, for example damaged muscle fibres.
Taking an holistic approach to the body, regular exercise, healthy diet and yes, regular massage treatments allows your body to heal both inside and out, both physically and mentally.  The key strength to massage is as a preventative measure, having a trusted massage therapist in your "healthy corner" to stop conditions occurring before they cause you problems.

Until next week, stay safe


Monday, 8 August 2016

How long do you spend online?

Good morning folks,


Did you see the news the other day?  The average Brit spends the grand total of 25 hours a week on the internet/mobile device, while this figure rises to 29 hours for those aged 16-24.  For some, this addiction to a digital life has led some people to try and detox, gradually weaning themselves off all things net based.

The internet has revolutionised our lives but this has led to cases of internet addiction.  Like addiction to drink or drugs, cases are being reported of people suffering stress & anxiety when having to be separated from their various devices with more serious cases having to go into therapy to cope with the "coming off" period.  

For some, in order to address any future problems that may arise from going onto the internet too often, there is a tide of people looking to take a fresh look at the role of technology in their lives and taking a digital detox to achieve a better tech-life balance.

Taking time off from internet based activities appears to bring health benefits, such as improved sleep, reduced stress & anxiety, a more productive and happier life.  On the downside, in a report compiled by Ofcom, 16% of the 2500 adults sampled, worried that they were missing out on something by being offline.  

Going on holiday soon?  Many people use their holiday period to take time away from the online world completely so if you are concerned about the amount of time you spend on the net, this might be a good time to try it, especially if wifi is patchy at your resort.  People report feeling more grounded after having their access to the net removed or restricted.  Amongst adults, the use of social media apps such as Facebook, Snapchat and Messenger have surged from 28% in 2014 to 43% in 2016.

Until next week, stay safe